I’m really excited to tell you, first, that we, NYC Retirees, have won the Campeon Case. The city contended they only needed to support us to the tune of about 8 bucks a month, each. The NY State Court of Appeals told them that was not the case.
Also, we passed a copay resolution, and the resolution I put forth. I added a clause in response to a member request. She was concerned about upcharges so I added that. In full, it’s below, as we passed it.
Resolution to Lobby for and Pass Intro 1096-2024
Whereas, Intro 1096-2024 is before the City Council;
Whereas, Intro 1096-2024 requires the City to offer Medicare-eligible City retirees and their Medicare-eligible dependents at least one Medigap plan with benefits equivalent to or better than those available to City retirees and their dependents as of December 31, 2021;
Whereas, it is now official UFT policy to oppose Medicare Advantage for retirees;
Whereas, proposed upcharges for traditional Medicare would constitute a de facto premium, and be too costly for many or most retirees; and
Whereas, Intro 1096-2024 provides precisely what we voted for in the last RTC election, be it therefore,
Resolved, that the Retired Teacher Chapter will organize a movement to lobby local council members via letters, phone calls, email, and social media; and be it further
Resolved, that we demand UFT use all its lobbying resources to support the passage of Intro 1096-2024.
Arthur Goldstein, Vice-Chair, Retired Teachers Chapter
If we pass that in City Council, we’ll have what we have been demanding for years.
I’ve left out my reading of the resolution, and my push to support it, as I could not type and speak concurrently.I basically said this is everything we’ve been fighting for.
Thanks to my RTC brothers and sisters for their support, and thanks to NYC Retirees for working tirelessly on our behalf.
RTC CL Bennett Fischer welcomes us.
LeRoy Barr—Speaks of Ellen Fox, instrumental in union history. Received love and respect t from all. Discussed caucuses, worked for members, was CL in Wash. Heights. Fierce advocate for members. Had mutual respect and acted on it. Was about common ground. Always said exactly what she thought. Would be proud of our collective position on health care, to send to DA. Hope we made it stronger UFT will never force retired member into MA plan.
Right thing to do, Ellen would have agreed. Disagreed on how to reach goals, but always wanted to protect members. Cannot fight one another. Fight still ahead of us. Enemies will come for health care and Social Security starting next month.
If you ever felt scared, unsure, angry, unheard was never our intent Could have done this better. You need to be part of process. Time for us to stop politics of division, come together in the name of those we’ve lost.
Thanks to Ellen’s family for giving up time so she could work with us. Happy holidays to all.
Norm Scott—What he said. Ellen was 50 year UFT activist. Was CL sat GW HS where she led big chapter, always re-elected, first with Teacher Action caucus, Fought horrible principal defended teachers, Bloomberg broke up schools. Became CL elsewhere. Got to know her when we formed ICE in 2003. Were active, and then she became active in MORE, then joined RA in 2017-18. In August, stopped coming couldn’t reach her. Daughter planning a memorial MLK weekend. Looking for charities to support. Sheila suggests Class Size Matters. Ellen would support that.
Michael Mulgrew—thanks LeRoy and Norm, very special person always expressed opinion. Tough to fight principal. Will be missed. Under the weather, wishes us happy holiday, hope MLC comes to senses. Ask questions about NYHA. Idea something we support, but can’t harm us. On principle we should do it as a country. Happy holiday to all. Will continue our fights, happy we passed resolution especially UFT will never force retirees into MA. We know something is coming to diminish benefits, will need many in the fight. Pushing legislation at fed level. You’d think they’d support it. Should have complete support. People pay in whole lives, should not be diminished.
Bennett—Announces Campeon has been won at NYS Court of Appeals. Unanimously upheld Lyle Franks decision. 12-126 sets benchmark, still in effect.
Questions on Zoom open. Will try to monitor and respond. Will record them to answer others via email or letter to chapter.
Happy to announce our res, no changes without DA approval passed 97%. Thanks this body for sending to DA. Culmination of much work. Thanks leadership for support. Offered two amendments to help strengthen it. Will be permanent UFT health task force to make recommendations to DA. Good idea, will require our negotiators to listen to us and negotiate accordingly. Great responsibility on us to deliberate and vote in best interest of union. Well trained task force healthy thing. Congratulates you for helping to change union position.
I wish our union would go further, and do things to put money where mouth is, be more proactive. 1096 before City Council requires equal or better coverage than we had in 2021. Does not prevent unions from negotiating better, but sets a floor. Lets them negotiate better, prevents city from imposing less.
I like to trust people, but much more trust in a law, I hope position will come around to making health care protection part of our admin code.
Copays—Senior care copays will become reality. Not sure of implications about this court case, Assuming no, Subject of separate case working way through courts. Because of NY Public Service Retirees, haven’t paid them for two years, injunction was lifted. Asked Geoff Sorkin, was going to make presentation, will do so in online meetings. No general meetings Jan, and Feb. will be online member benefit meetings.
Individual questions—write to Welfare Fund.
Appreciate how you all make me feel—Last month everyone got TRS letter ending paper statements. Glad you told me. Only first heard here. Have spoken to Tom, would like to address that.
Tom Brown—Chairman of TRS Board. Like to see friends here. Speaks at length of what many, many people do in retirement.
Quarterly Account statements—shows details. Mailed by NYC for retirement allowances, monthly annuities. City decided to stop mailing. This month will be last. With city’s assistance, TRS will post on website. Starting April 30, 2025, will be able to view new quarterly statement. Nearly identical to what you received in past. May now access online.
Received multiple emails and calls. Some want paper option. I understand change can be challenging. Have heard concerns, understand some may prefer paper. Have consulted with TRS. We have assurances that those who need or prefer paper can still receive them, while encouraging majority to embrace digital future. Reduces costs, saves trees, takes stand for sustainable future for children and grandchildren.
As retirees you know we can make a difference. If you need paper, contact TRS next March. Your yearly statements will be mailed to you. 1099 forms mailed by city, will continue. Also available on TRS website. Wishes us happy holiday, health, long retirement. Goal we all have dignified financially secure retirement.
Bennett—When you request it, once for all of 2025?
Brown—Just give them a call. All statements will be mailed to you. Will see if they have to do it next year.
Questions—Denise Rickles—Thank you. Will request paper, have problem with going green, doesn’t save trees because we plant them for paper. Digital technology requires phones, computers, mined in 3W countries. Undeveloped nations starve as we “go green.”
Susan Herzog—Will you send by mail announcement they can phone you? How will people know? What % of retirees signed onto TRS website. Would be good indication of what retirees use that.
Brown—I will speak with TRS to make sure email going out offers opt out option. TRS communications top notch. Will work something out.
Online q—Jane M. Same changes for BERS?
Brown—Haven’t spoken to them but we will make sure there’s some accommodation.
Bennett—Gustavo Rivera presentation on NY Health Act. Has been debated over, revised for many years. DA passed two resolutions in support, but leadership has chosen to oppose. Many of us would love universal health care, see it as a right, is disagreement over where it should start. Everything in this country usually goes state to state until it receives critical mass. In spirit of discussion, invited Senator Rivera. Will answer questions.
Rivera—Hope Mulgrew is better, thanks us. Won’t be our last conversation. I am always open to conversation to how to make bill better. Know we all believe health care is human right. How do we achieve it? Has been resistance from UFT and DC37, part of resistance about retirees.
I believe there’s been lack of movement because of public sector union resistance. Wants every New Yorker and American to get health care—not insurance. This is not an insurance product. Anyone who thinks about it knows insurance doesn’t guarantee care, only a card in pocket.
Was newsletter for retirees, asking what this man is doing.
Uncertainly over which doctors accept—What if FL doctor never heard of it?
Right now benefits are Medicare and supplement. Under current system, no practitioner required to accept. Means they make choices. Cannot guarantee every out of state provider will accept. Why would they accept it?
Would be attractive option—administrative simplicity of single payer. Goal is to make sure admin complexity would be simplified. Also, in FL, with many NY retirees, they would see many covered by this. Also, competitive reimbursement rates. Read the bill.
One part would say rates have to correspond to cost of care. Medicaid rates don’t do that. Would be above Medicaid and Medicare. Rates set by board that runs system, publicly accountable, unlike private insurance and hospitals.
Not claiming it would be perfect. Would change incentive from profit, to care. What we’re going for is something that will impact all, The governor, I and poorest person in state would be covered.
Would private insurance be phased out? Will we be forced into health plans instead of Medicare. Says no immediate change to benefits of out of state retirees. Directs Board of Trustees to develop proposal for including out of state retirees. Would be board for transition, could take two or three years. Within 18 months board would have to address that.
Also changed bill to say that, at very least, you must get base of benefits you now have. Ours includes long term care. We saw that long term care plans alone, are unsustainable. Will be placed in larger risk pool.
Since bill paid for by progressive tax, how will FL residents be taxed?
If you have no NY income, you pay nothing. With NY income, first 25K not taxed, Medicare eligible, first 50 not taxed.
Do FL residents have guarantee will cover in FL. Yes. Guarantees you maintain same level of coverage. Anything decided by you and provider covered.
Equal to or better than UFT? In black and white, current coverage minimum, also covers dental and eyesight.
Glad to be here. Thank you for having me. Have been many conversations. Must break from current system where incentive is profit. We think it’s just the way it is. Try to get best insurance we can. We need to break that. Needs to be done at national level, eventually, as was done in Canada.
If we demonstrate it can be done, other states can join us. In conversation with other states. This is a way to go forward, don’t want to do it without you.
People said we didn’t want to screw retirees but had no choice. We are stuck in a system that helps you get a product with profit as central incentive. They work to save money. NOT the best we can do. Best we can do, as organized sisters and brothers is demonstrate to companies this can be done.
Question—encouraging. Michael Moore, in Sicko, released on YouTube for free. Please watch and see.
A—If you haven’t seen it, you see guy who had to choose which of his fingers, lost at work, would be re-attached. Tells how insurance works.
Q—If taxable income above 50K, would pay 25%.
A—If it’s taxable income, it’s 80% minimum from employer, 20 max from employee. Did not preclude negotiations. If it’s already 100 from employer, will continue to be the case.
Q—I’m in NYHA. When CEO gunned down, outpouring of anger of so many people—people have had it with private for profit companies. Need to change system. Unfortunate Mulgrew not here. Said there were many holes. No idea what he’s talking about. We should discuss. Not just retirees, want neighbors, undocumented to be able to see doctor, unemployed people. People hold onto jobs just for coverage. ACA has many deductibles. Doctor said one reason I’d leave profession would be crazy paperwork.
Q—What if physician won’t accept? Can we get reimbursed?—
Unlikely NY physicians would not take. Don’t see that being the case. No copays, deductibles, would make it simpler for doctor.
Q—Convinced me—only hole might be question about out of state. Presented formula, sounds like we’ll figure out after bill is passed. If UFT on board, will they say to out of state retirees they would get full coverage they normally enjoy?
A—Reason why it’s been challenging is because nothing is perfect, no guarantee everything as you want it to be. This is hill I will die on, will ensure it’s done correctly. 18 month process we will do with those impacted. Did you think you’d be talking MA five years ago? Very happy you are winning by the way.
Q—Contemplating bureaucratic monster. How many labor union exec will sit on board?
A—currently 31, 3 labor reps. Open to tweaking makeup of board. Will include everyone and exclude no one, board members included.
Q—At the moment, most of us have Medicare that pays 80%. To get Medicare B, we pay every month through deduction. Asked will we continue to pay for Med, B? Financing of this through our ee
Q— Financing of this through our earned income. Will feds finance this?
A—Would all go in one pot, Medicare dollars, taxes, if we don’t get federal waiver, we’ll be fine as long as we don’t use it for non medical things. Outside of being resident, nothing more required of you. As retirees, if you have taxable income.
Obviously lots of questions, want to continue conversation. Not going away.
Last question—I will be here in the back. Where can individuals get copy?
A—google campaign for nY health, S7590, will be gone next year.
I read reso in support of 1096-2024
Vote to put on agenda this month—
in room 141-45 online 893 to in favor 200 passes 81%.
Debbie Porchak—Reads motion for this month to support Amazon workers strike.
in room 158 yes 23 no online 798 yes 229 no passes 79%
Special order of business—
Gloria Brandman—On copays—opposing them. RTC opposes imposition, will ask UFT to oppose for all members. Many retirees on fixed income, some very low. Long list, could be significant. As we age, we go more. If you are stricken with some illness and need surgery, you see many docs, need many procedures. They add up. Please support.
Sterling Roberson—Point of info—Did people online have this before it was posted online?
Bennett—Yes they have. Included for all to read.
?—Rises to call question.
Point of info—Put on agenda last month.
Bennett—No. This was approved and debated at Exec. Board. Not same as last month.
in room 164 yes no 16 online 908 yes 213 no passes 82%
Resolution vote.
in room 175 yes 16 no online 1078 yes 50 no passes 95 %.
Me—everything we want
Ellen G.—Two things that concern me is it amends 12-126. Was opposed when MA plan gave choice. We have a health care committee that should make those decisions. Don’t like we demand.. No one should demand, just suggest and encourage. Should table it.
Dan Harkavy—Wants to address, yes it amends, but not in neg way. Union wanted th change baseline. We want to make sure they can’t change it below a level that will support us. Enshrine they can’t change it below senior care which we need.
Barbara Waldman—Amendment would offer choice. This would limit it. Tried amendment last time. Concern with word demand, if copays not instituted will we pay premiums.
Point of info—Controversy. Don’t understand difference in info to know how I want to vote.
Bennett—We are having that debate.
Norm Scott—Love it when former union officials who begged for choice to pay 200 a month, which would favor those with good retirement, and screw the rest. They now use sophistry. They opposed keeping us in Medicare for years, now oppose. Begged to pay for more.
Bennett—out of order, no personal attacks
Norm—Choice word charters use, phony rap. We want Medicare, not MA.
Speaker—I don’t have enough info, something in writing I can look at? Motion to table.
Herb Michaels—calls question
Sterling R.—Point of order—was motion to table?
Bennett—was not motion to table. Was person who wished to table. Did not say I move.
Point of order—Charles Friedman—First resolved policy decision. Well meaning, but has to be passed by DA. RTC has no right to make policy. Must be passed by DA.
Bennett—Not in order. Resolves for this chapter.
in room yes 139 no 24 online 649 yes no 205 passes 77%
Point of order—Will conclude vote and end meeting
in room yes 111 no 42 online 714 yes no 1891 passes 78%
Bennett—meeting adjourned.
Proponents of Amazon resolution upset.
Thank you for the resolution and that we won in the Supreme Court. One can see now that Unity is really worried what will come in May. Our vote totals for resolutions really must worry them. Wish I could have been there.
Two comments:
No one asked Mr Brown if the TRS Board decided to eliminate paper statements? If so, did they consult the members or the RTC prior to making that decision?
Is there state legislation to support preserving Medicare and Medicare supplement at no cost to NUC retirees? Is so, who are the sponsors? If there are sponsors,
shouldn’t they speak to the RTC?