Oct 14, 2023Liked by Arthur Goldstein

I wholeheartedly agree. Amy was awesome. Such a shame butnot surprising that they moved her. They probably needed the job for some no nothing suck up. Mulgrew has got to go. He has destroyed this union. Sandy Feldman and AL Shanker are rolling over in their Graves.

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It's not only Mulgrew. It's the anti-democratic Unity machine that propels him too.

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Oct 14, 2023Liked by Arthur Goldstein

I had a huge misunderstanding with admin. Once and Amy Arundell came was empty extraordinarily helpful, supportive, and effective. If the whole UFT was like her image how much better off the rank and file would be. Because of Mulgrew and Unity I’m no longer a member. Sad. How she is able to effectively operate in a clown show is beyond me!

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Ok, what actually happened? I’m a Manhattan teacher and no clue about this? I met Amy a few times at Chapter Leader Weekends and appreciated her presentations and informal chats there and at the DA.

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I am so glad that this horrible person has been removed. Former disgraced D29 superintendent Murray was fired for sexual misconduct in 2017. I worked in his building where his office was located and I made a compelling case to Amy Arundell that Murray had a sexual quid-pro-quo with my principal at that time who received the lowest scores when she was interviewed for the position by the C30 committee, but Murray disregarded their choice for principal. I filed a retaliation grievance on the both of them and Amy did NOTHING to help me, in fact, I felt as if she and her district rep at that time, was in cahoots with the DOE in creating a hostile work environment for me because I filed an EEOC complaint and opened up my own legal case against the DOE with background knowledge supported the fact that the UFT was not fairly representing me. I was illegally excessed and put through the ringer to wear me down so I would quit, but instead I persevered through it and even landed two math positions with the high recommendations of two wonderful principals who did not believe the horrible rumors that D29 spoke of about me from Murray's team who was still in power to smear and taint my good name as a highly effective math teacher. Unfortunately, I landed a math position for a principal that was hand-picked by Murray before he was removed from office by then Mayor DeBlasio and Chancellor Farina. This principal is not even properly qualified to be a middle school principal and ran his school with a bad moral compass reflected by the person who placed him in that position. When I complained to Amy Arundell and the UFT headquarters about the unfair practices taking place, I was seriously retaliated and harassed by my principal and his country club members, along with the UFT chapter leader, who is not a licensed middle school teacher and who was not doing her job at all because I was once a chapter leader for the UFT in the Bronx and I am also a SBL certificate holder; the more I kept protecting the staff and students from serious unfair practices, the more harassment and retaliation happened from both the UFT and DOE. It got so bad to the point where in the last disciplinary campaign meeting my principal had with me, he got out of his seat and threatened me in my face that he was going to "knock me to the ground". I called the police, made a report and met with Amy who told me that there was nothing that the UFT can do as I already called the police and filed a report. Amy did NOTHING about it at all. And the UFT took a side seat and watched the DOE, soon after, put me through a 3020a proceeding with a false narrative that got me illegally and wrongfully terminated with LIES and the UFT and NYSUT told me that I cannot mention the threat by the principal has it will loose my chances of not being terminated. For years, I cried and pleaded with Amy to the point where I screamed and yelled that they were not fairly representing me, at all, and rather sided with the DOE because their district rep was in cahoots with Murray in suppressing the rights of teachers in D29. That district rep retired out of nowhere with the principal shortly after when Murray was fired and arrested on the news.

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Yes, she was great. She helped me many times. Several times, the DOE tried to take away my retention rights for my summer job that I kept into retirement. She went to bat for me and I kept the job, but also got the pay I lost. Yes, when I was a chapter leader the last two years I worked, she was very helpful and a great source of advice. I cannot say the same thing for the Queens District Representative we had at that time.

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Isn't it remarkable that UFT Unity does not value that sort of work? It tells you everything you need to know about them and their priorities.

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This is terrible. She is responsive and helpful. She I believe honestly cares. Where is she going? Do you know?

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I was once having a serious misunderstanding with administration years ago and Amy Arundell settled the matter so efficiently and effectively I was stunned (once I finally got her on the phone). She is simlply the best. How she can operate so effectively in Michael Mulgrew‘s clown show is beyond me. They should be treating her like gold.

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My delegate and I always said if Amy was not Unity she’d be fantastic. Problem is that she was Unity. Where is she now?

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What an absolute shame. One of the most competent people in that office. A huge loss for queens. Where the hell do you get reassigned to at queens uft office? She was fired I assume?

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Debbie Poulos, for my money, another of the very best, was reassigned from running the Brooklyn office. She devised a new complaint system that bypassed the cumbersome and endless grievance process. There are not many minds like Debbie's or Amy's in the upper echelons, and we all suffer for it. Mulgrew is a thin-skiined little coward who can't take criticism. He'd make one awful teacher.

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Mulscrew is an obvious hack who is a supreme example of how completely unqualified aholes fulfill the Peter principle

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