As long as Politico is investigating Emblem Health, what about investigating the Health Insurance Stabilization Fund and the Union Welfare Funds managed by the same union bosses.
There are billions of dollars in those funds which are not audited.
Thank you so much again for the back stories. May I take this opportunity -- because of your wide readership -- to alert readers to the film American Hospitals (rental on YouTue for $3.99). It focuses on the for-profit motive in the “health industry”, which I was very aware of with Pharma but not so much with hospitals. Please, everyone, try to see it, for context in light of union/Aetna issues we’ll be facing.
Does anyone know the version of Aetna they will be selling us? I am currently using Aetna because none of my primary care/mental health providers take Emblem. I was going to switch to Emblem because Aetnas individual premium is now $400+/mth, but then the blogs saying that Emblem may be canceled made me decide to hang on for 1 more year to see the outcome.
We don't know for sure what they will be selling you. We will know when Crown Prince Michael Mulgrew is good and ready to come down off his pedestal and let us know.
As long as Politico is investigating Emblem Health, what about investigating the Health Insurance Stabilization Fund and the Union Welfare Funds managed by the same union bosses.
There are billions of dollars in those funds which are not audited.
Politico, how about it.
Throw that asshole mulgrew and his lying cronies OUT!!!!
Thank you so much again for the back stories. May I take this opportunity -- because of your wide readership -- to alert readers to the film American Hospitals (rental on YouTue for $3.99). It focuses on the for-profit motive in the “health industry”, which I was very aware of with Pharma but not so much with hospitals. Please, everyone, try to see it, for context in light of union/Aetna issues we’ll be facing.
Does anyone know the version of Aetna they will be selling us? I am currently using Aetna because none of my primary care/mental health providers take Emblem. I was going to switch to Emblem because Aetnas individual premium is now $400+/mth, but then the blogs saying that Emblem may be canceled made me decide to hang on for 1 more year to see the outcome.
We don't know for sure what they will be selling you. We will know when Crown Prince Michael Mulgrew is good and ready to come down off his pedestal and let us know.
Mulgrew,Carrido eta al should become toast…..