6 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

I was there, and we were a little unruly, but who said that democracy was pretty? I was near a Unity person and did yell out the word sycophant. She looked at me and mumbled, “uncivil.” I then said, “Not uncivil, just opinionated.” I then heard a Unity speaker who was once my chapter leader oppose the resolution, saying things he would have never said 20 years ago, but then again, he is now UFT staff. My high point was going over to Marianne and thanking her from the bottom of my heart for all she had done. Yes, democracy is messy, but it is much better and more fun than the alternative

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So one thing I did not note was that the microphones on the floor seemed to remain on for the whole meeting. I could hear a lot of back and forth whenever there was no main speaker. Let them call us uncivil. They fancy themselves civil after having denied us a vote for years. Had they not done that, they might have realized earlier just how little support they have.

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TY Arthur. We can always count on you for such quick off-the-press reports --now on today's successful RTC meeting, where, thanks also to Bennett, member voices got equal time. Yep, Norm was rightfully passionate and I totally agree with how you described Marianne and Jake. Marianne definitely held her own -- even as some Unity folks hoped to derail her. You'd think she was some slick Aetna salesperson trying to pull the wool over our eyes. But questions are opportunities for Marianne. Thrilled you're all such friends. Proud to witness such a coalition. Unity can be beat!

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Definitely. Their strategy was ridiculous, and their defenses of the status quo were outlandish. I find it hard to believe they mustered the temerity to get up there and insist unionists have no voice in their health care. And one Unity member parroted a talking point Geoff Sorkin left as a comment on The Wire. They have no argument, and they haven't even realized it yet.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Thanks, Arthur:) I watched from SC with captions. Your summary blog is especially helpful. Hope you’re feeling better.

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Thanks for your kind words Kate. I'm feeling better. Hopefully next month I'll be there in person. Enjoy SC!

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I was virtual and enjoyed seeing Bennet at the podium. Much better energy than Tom. The chorus took up too much of the time and should start early and end when meeting starts. Also, the chat should be open. I made comments in the Q & A section. I even suggested they give you a chance to ask Michael a few questions. Ask far as the person asking how much the lawyer gets compensated for his effort was not answered clearly. I would have been open about it because people like me donated a little bit and would like to know. My question was, are we giving enough?

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I don't care how much the lawyer gets. I contribute regularly and whatever he gets, he earns. I don't tell people how much I make when they ask. I give to NYC Retirees over and over. I have a Unity member who signed as a paid subscriber. I didn't like the comment he made with it, so I returned his money. When he donated again, I sent it to NYC Retirees. Are we giving enough? I guess we all need to decide for ourselves. We give what we can. I'd rather give them the money than pay when Aetna denies me surgery. I just had surgery a week ago, and I'm very grateful I didn't have to ask Aetna for permission.

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Thanks for the report. Phew, the labor movement's, especially the AFT and UFT's, reliance on elections and on the Democratic Party particularly is incredibly defeatist and self-undermining.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoAuthor

We largely don't agree on that. There is a clear contrast between the Democratic and GOP education agendas. GOP platform calls for merit pay, which has been around over a hundred years and has never worked anywhere. They also call for "school choice," which is a direct attempt to defund and destroy public schools. And yes, I know, Obama was ALMOST just as bad on education.

Project 2025 calls for making MA the default, which is intended to destroy Medicare, and could very well do it.

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Yea I realize I'm in the minority on this one, all good. I do agree there are differences - the GOP platform is truly horrific. Still. From a bargaining perspective, I think we undermine our leverage with politicians when the labor movement is counted on to always endorse the Democrats and never threatens to withhold its vote. In keeping with the Democrats' experience in education policy (especially at the city level), I think Harris will do little for us considering that the Randi and the AFT literally rushed to endorse her at the convention, tweet nonstop about her and her greatness, and tell their own members nothing else matters more than electing Harris. We can be taken for granted, because Democratic strategists know that the union bureaucracies will mobilize their membership for free. But not the moderates, whose votes they make the Democrats try to earn. I understand the threat of a Republican administration, and it's very real threat to me and my family. At the same time, I think the labor movement is playing a dangerous role in perpetuating this rightward shift in American politics every election cycle. Like our labor, we should use our vote better as a bargaining chip by threatening to withhold it.

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I agree with much of what you said. I did not vote for Obama term two, because his education policies were abysmal, because he never found the "comfortable shoes" he said he'd put on to stand with labor as Wisconsin labor fell, and because he never even pushed for the card-check he promised. I may have voted for Howie Hawkins or someone. However, I'm all in for Kamala. I love that she picked a schoolteacher for VP and rejected Shapiro, a big voucher guy, from PA. I also like that Walz was a middle of the road guy but pushed more progressive policies once he had the votes to do so.

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Project 2025 is Heritage Foundation creation just to be clear. Not Trumps Agenda 47 which is a bit different and there are things in there I told him in a letter that should be changed. But he is NOT on 2025. Merit pay worked on the University level when I was Steward and a level was created to accompany that under Union rules. GOP does not want to get rid of public schools. They want parents to have a choice so CCS is not forced on their children. In reality the majority of people will always choose public education cause it’s free. The GOP is not in favor of certain gender ID policies and sexual content on young minds. It is preposterous to believe they could end public education in general. I want the Unions all of them to back up their rank and file when injustice is being served by the Cities and they are siding with Cities. That is Union leadership busting up Unions not politicians. Politicians cannot get their way if Union Leaderships does what they were elected to do… defend and protect their membership. That is how simple it truly is.

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I’m just in the minority these days. Categorize me as an Independent with no candidate

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I understand Trump wanting to divest himself of Project 2025, but I don't believe him when he says he doesn't subscribe to it. As for merit pay, I'll refer you to Diane Ravitch, who says it's been around since 1920. She also wrote about it in one of her books, a history of NYC schools:


I don't believe test scores reflect teacher quality, and I don't trust a whole lot of administrators to judge merit either.

Yes I'm aware of the gender policies, and I have heard Trump say that we perform sex changes in the classroom.


I've also heard him congratulate Elon Musk for firing striking workers.


So you'll pardon me, but I won't be voting for that guy.

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Finally the RTC has the opportunity to become more than an easily manipulated prop or well-oiled machine/photo op for Unity!!! Bennett did really well!!! He made great points, without grandstanding!!! Voting was AWESOME!!! My social media connected, UFT retirees for Medicare besties chat group members participated!!!! Let’s get Kamala elected and vote YES on Prop 1 in NYS!!!

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Yes. Couldn't agree more. I'm also very pleased that Laura Gillen is running an actual campaign against the MAGA yutz in my district who managed to defeat her last time.

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