AWFUL! Thanks Arthur. As they say, knowledge is power. And this has me more convinced that A Better Contract has the needed focus to fight against such anti-union maneuvers.

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Thanks Laura. It's telling that the uniformed unions didn't go for this. And with the stock market headed south it's not looking like the optimal move.

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🤦‍♂️Seriously? Why Gov. H.? Why? Write/call your City Councilperson, State Assembly person, and Congressmen and tell them you want Eric Adams out! He cannot be trusted! (Some City Council members cannot be trusted as well.) Democracy matters.

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I agree with your sentiments, but this particular thing does not appear to be his doing. Of course, much else is, and I've never been a fan. There's something going on, though, with all of them up for election.

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A quick look at the amendment seems to show that the City is going to "borrow" from the assets of the pension funds making them less able to pay benefits. My first guess is that this is a way of creating a shortage that makes it acceptable to eventually declare an emergency and allow NYC to reduce retiree benefits. I am still waiting for Mulgrew and Garrido to object to this sleazy piece of proposed legislation and stop it in its tracks. Somehow, I think hell will freeze over first.

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I don't think you'll see that happen before hell freezes over. The story I quoted from reports, "Indeed, it’s safe to assume nothing like this would see the light of day if Henry Garrido and Michael Mulgrew weren’t supporting it—assuming they aren’t, in fact, actively lobbying for it."

This suggests to me that Mulgrew is focused on the very short term, will do or say anything to win re-election, and could not care less about the consequences of his actions. Pensions are protected in the State Constitution, but sometimes things change. Given the direction of the stock market, this seems like a particularly awful idea.

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ARISE, our other choice for representation, has, apparently, Retiree Advocates’ backing. I am sure they see through Mulgrew’s weird thinking here, as you do, with your ABC loyalty.

See, you can’t leave a tempting pot of money sitting out in plain sight, our TRS, without thieves taking notice.

Another reason to consolidate, ARISE and ABC. Split, we fall.

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Not remotely my choice, 288 of the 300 of us who ran with RA got neither voice nor vote on whom we aligned with. I'm kind of a stickler about democracy.

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288 out of 300? If my math is right then the "has...Retirees Advocates' backing" in Ohlmeyer's post should be corrected to read "has 4% of Retirees Advocates backing."

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"As UFT President, Amy Arundell will put an end to this nonsense. " I have just one question? HOW? You state all of these delusions of grandeur, but what mechanisms do you have in place or do you any proposals? Tell us.

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Thanks for commenting, Nina. I'd appreciate it if you'd refrain from accusing me of being deluded on my page. That's a little rude.

It's not remotely difficult to refrain from making sketchy deals that place our pension at risk. It's also not all that difficult to refrain from dumping retirees into inferior health plans in order to fund compensation increases they will never receive. The notion that we should pay for raises that fail to meet cost of living is a poor one, and the notion retirees should pay for them is even worse.

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