Thank you for calling them out!

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You're welcome. And they're disgraceful.

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Thank you. Calling them out and your constant information posts keeps the grassroots movement going .. so thank you

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Thank you Kathy. That is certainly the intent.

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Mulgrew has a lot of nerve publishing an email about his resolution to the convention. He doesn’t seem to know when to quit. When you’re so far down the hole you don’t keep digging you yell for help.

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He has no clue what we want. Perhaps it's because he can't be bothered to talk with us. Maybe he consulted with Murphy on this, who also hasn't got a clue. It boggles my mind how ridiculous they are, and how absolutely out of touch they are.

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Can’t wait to vote them out.

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Me neither. I can't believe they're so brazen. If I'd just faced a disastrous election, I'd try at least to be subtle about it.

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They are ghouls. Feasting off the living

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When you are voted out, it means your ideas are rejected. I hate that my dues and/or COPE are still paying his way. After all, I guess his pension, social security, and TDA are not enough. That is why, like you, I stopped my COPE. When they start to do political action to support us, maybe I too will reconsider. By the way, i was given a compliment the other day. Someone at the CSE thought I was you. I said not even close. I cannot write as well at all.

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And as for writing, I get you loud and clear. Don't underestimate yourself.

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COPE doesn't pay for his salary. I stopped COPE because Mulgrew use dues money to hire lawyers to threaten me. I also strongly suspect they sent a cease and desist to google to block my former domain on blogger. They are utterly unscrupulous. However, if they do what wee need, and use COPE to support our cause, I'll consider rejoining. Also, when they fall next year, I'll rejoin.

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Thank you. Keep the spotlight ON!

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Thank YOU and I absolutely will! I'll have more on AFT tomorrow.

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