I belong to two unions : UFT (retirees) and DC37Local 508. I also was civically involved in my community (Rockaway at the time ) over two decades ago. What I experienced as a civic leader was when everything was going well there was little turnout for meetings . When something went wrong like when the District Manager rented a space out to an amusement group in the old PS44 schoolyard (now an apartment building )and people were stuck in the air well people came out in droves and demanded action. The district manager was fired. From reading your pieces and from attending Delegate Assemblies when I served as Chapter Leader of a small Queens high school (no one else wanted to do it) I got to experience the UFT operations. One thing that I was able to do is attend “trainings “ in the Hilton in Westchester . It was very informative. I believe I served with integrity. Before I retired and left the building an election took place for my replacement. As far the DA when I attended my first one I met the Queens reps in the hallway and I was signed up for Unity. I figured better to be in the ring than fighting from the outside I was unaware of “caucuses “. I did witness how Unity had control of the room and discourse and its members were disrespectful to anyone who disagreed. Now getting to my other union who I paid union dues for decades as a seasonal Chief Lifeguard. I was only invited to a few meetings and they occurred usually in May right before our swim tests for our jobs. My two jobs collided when I did a water safety video prior to the summer . The following summer I was no longer given my proper allotment of lifeguards to protect the public . Scary . I subsequently called for a union meeting in 2007 by writing to the corrupt local 508 Union President , cced DC37 President and AFSCME . Stein the longtime President also held the top lifeguard management spot as did his Secretary /treasurer made sure there was limited discussions and to this day controls both locals - lifeguards and supervisors . I was treated with disrespect and no one stood up with me at that meeting . I had two objectives: who was on the executive board (all “super Chiefs aka my bosses) and the constitution. When I approached the dais and had the list to hand in the President with disdain said that you will get it when everyone else does . Meanwhile he had written to me that the constitution would be given out at the meeting. The constitution I received ( and no not everyone got one )did not have a month for elections.Fast forward in 2019 another constitution emerged that had July elections in it which would make sense as that is when the bulk of members work. I was unaware of that in 2021 when I brought the board up on charges, however, presently the President of Local 508 and his executive board (placeholders) have been brought up on charges by a group of supervisors for not having the required amount of meetings and having multiple constitutions. The trial is December 3rd . Local 461 President was removed in 2020 for not having the constitutional meetings . Let’s hope democracy reigns tomorrow and when the AFSCME trials for Local 508 Executive board takes place on December 3rd.
Thank you , I often wondered why the rank and file was never included or informed in a timely manner about these events, I only see the photos after the fact.
The Dems really failed in that last election where Laura Gillen lost. They also allowed George Santos to be elected bc they didn't do any opposition research which resulted in the Dems losing control of the House. I don't know how they re-elected Jacobs after that. That was a huge failure of the Democratic party. I hope they learned their lesson this time.
Jacobs seemed to think they'd win by doing nothing. Quite a strategy. Probably cost Democrats the House. I was pretty shocked seeing Zeldin signs everywhere and nothing for Hochul. Same with Gillen and the guy who beat her.
I had complained to the Suozzi campaign that I didn't see any signs for him in my neighborhood in Levittown, and they told me they keep putting them out but the other side keeps taking them. He won because he orchestrated his whole campaign himself and didn't depend on his party, the Nassau Dems, to help him. Laura Curran also lost the TOH supervisor race bc of no support from her party.
Suozzi learned from his mistakes. He ran for re-election as Nassau County Executive, put out no visible campaign, and lost to a Republican who ended up in jail for stealing money or something. Suozzi is also responsible for that idiot who got bounced from Congress. I recall he stepped down from the seat in a quixotic bid to bounce Hochul.
I agree on the photo ops. As a UFT rep I once volunteered for “Albany Day” traveling with The Bronx UFT, on a cold wintry day. A lot of faffing around with the emphasis on food (early am breakfast provided at Bx UFT, big long drawn out luncheon with self-congratulatory speeches from big, puffed up Albany Dem party officials - one who wound up indicted, and convicted some years later - the snack box for the bus ride back etc) - however little to no “lobbying” was actually accomplished. Our small group, after endlessly waiting, and being stalled, finally “met” for about 20 minutes with some staffer who looked like one of our high school students. Really embarrassing. We all felt kinda stupid. At least I did. Never again.
I went to a Lobby Day. Once. They gave us scripts and told us what to say. It was not really about activism, as far as I could tell. I used the time to organize an event we were holding at our school.
There are many ways to get involved if one chooses to. The UFT website has links informing all members of opportunities such as phone banking, canvassing opportunities in Pennsylvania etc. It’s on the first page and it’s not a secret. There are Political Action Coordinators in each borough. The RTC also sends mass emails through the communications office. I know because i’ve gotten them as a retiree with Bennett Fischer’s name on it. The complaining and finger pointing at “Unity” is counterproductive. We are all members of the same union.
You’re missing the point. There was an election that was held and the Retiree Advocate slate is now running the RTC. I wish Bennett the best of luck. It’s a tough job. There’s nothing wrong with dialogue and disagreement. Whats going to continue to happen now that there’s a change in leadership at the RTC? Continued bashing of fellow unionists through blogging? For you to say i beat “you” sounds childish and petty. You don’t even know me.
I hope to hear more dialogue and less yelling at the RTC meetings but given the tone of the “special guest” it appears that’s not going to change.
The point is the information is out there you just have to go on the website or call someone and ask.
There are ways to communicate and disagree without yelling, screaming and pointing fingers.
No, I'm not missing the point. You come to my place, telling me concurrently that I should be more involved and that I should shut up. You fail to see the contradiction, of course. But I don't.
No one told you to shut up. You have every right to speak your mind that’s why we live in a democracy. We can all agree to disagree. We all have different opinions and we can express them through blogging and voting. That’s the beauty of being an American.
You wrote, " The complaining and finger pointing at “Unity” is counterproductive." I did not take that to mean, "We all have different opinions and we can express them through blogging and voting." But thank you for the clarification.
You may be surprised to learn I am not a member of the UFT Women's Committee. Furthermore, I receive only my email, not yours. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
You need to be proactive. Join a committee that resonates with you and then become an active positive contributor. Your complaining that you didn't get invited to an event that you had never expressed interest in. The Math teachers association has never invited me to anything because I have never shown any inclination or interest in joining their activities. Do you think that's a plot?
While you, Brother Arthur, bring up some valuable observations I wonder why you do not name the UFT staffers and supervisors responsible for the miscommunications you so well described. As Second Vice President of the RTC are you not able to contact your sister and brother UFT staffers to help remedy this persistent problem? Are all UFT staffers like you Unity members? I am honestly confused by your switching UFT and Unity as terms of address.
The Retiree Advocates are no longer outsiders looking in; Brother Bennett and all others elected are now UFT staffers. In short, please continue the good critical work for which you are known but name names and also clarify whether the staffers are Unity Caucus members.
I am not a staffer, and I hold no paid position in the UFT. Your suggestion otherwise is absurd. I was elected by an overwhelming majority, and I've assigned myself the job of keeping them informed. I do not generally name people, as I am not interested in targeting anyone personally. I make exceptions for the top people, like Mulgrew, who enable the undemocratic practices of our union.
I appreciate what you write and send to me (as a NYC retiree). Did you ever consider that Mulgrew is really a MAGA Republican. His demeanor and style (lying, arrogant, narcissism, lack of compassion and disinterest in his membership) sure looks like it. And He is lazy and indifferent.
I have been told that by people. However, given Mulgrew's explicit support of Democrats, I believe he votes for them. The fact is the GOP advocates for merit pay and lack of tenure, not to mention privatization of Medicare. That said, we need a leader who values democracy within our union, and better, not worse, health care.
I belong to two unions : UFT (retirees) and DC37Local 508. I also was civically involved in my community (Rockaway at the time ) over two decades ago. What I experienced as a civic leader was when everything was going well there was little turnout for meetings . When something went wrong like when the District Manager rented a space out to an amusement group in the old PS44 schoolyard (now an apartment building )and people were stuck in the air well people came out in droves and demanded action. The district manager was fired. From reading your pieces and from attending Delegate Assemblies when I served as Chapter Leader of a small Queens high school (no one else wanted to do it) I got to experience the UFT operations. One thing that I was able to do is attend “trainings “ in the Hilton in Westchester . It was very informative. I believe I served with integrity. Before I retired and left the building an election took place for my replacement. As far the DA when I attended my first one I met the Queens reps in the hallway and I was signed up for Unity. I figured better to be in the ring than fighting from the outside I was unaware of “caucuses “. I did witness how Unity had control of the room and discourse and its members were disrespectful to anyone who disagreed. Now getting to my other union who I paid union dues for decades as a seasonal Chief Lifeguard. I was only invited to a few meetings and they occurred usually in May right before our swim tests for our jobs. My two jobs collided when I did a water safety video prior to the summer . The following summer I was no longer given my proper allotment of lifeguards to protect the public . Scary . I subsequently called for a union meeting in 2007 by writing to the corrupt local 508 Union President , cced DC37 President and AFSCME . Stein the longtime President also held the top lifeguard management spot as did his Secretary /treasurer made sure there was limited discussions and to this day controls both locals - lifeguards and supervisors . I was treated with disrespect and no one stood up with me at that meeting . I had two objectives: who was on the executive board (all “super Chiefs aka my bosses) and the constitution. When I approached the dais and had the list to hand in the President with disdain said that you will get it when everyone else does . Meanwhile he had written to me that the constitution would be given out at the meeting. The constitution I received ( and no not everyone got one )did not have a month for elections.Fast forward in 2019 another constitution emerged that had July elections in it which would make sense as that is when the bulk of members work. I was unaware of that in 2021 when I brought the board up on charges, however, presently the President of Local 508 and his executive board (placeholders) have been brought up on charges by a group of supervisors for not having the required amount of meetings and having multiple constitutions. The trial is December 3rd . Local 461 President was removed in 2020 for not having the constitutional meetings . Let’s hope democracy reigns tomorrow and when the AFSCME trials for Local 508 Executive board takes place on December 3rd.
Thank you for your leadership and information.
With democracy ,integrity & solidarity in mind ,
Janet Fash
Thanks for your kind words, and good luck with your struggle. I understand how you felt about Unity. I tried that for a while as well.
So many levels of corruption, it’s breathtaking!!! Transparency is the only real weapon. Amazing. Wow.
I couldn't agree more.
Thank you , I often wondered why the rank and file was never included or informed in a timely manner about these events, I only see the photos after the fact.
Ridiculous, isn't it?
UFT relies on money not members.
That's a very sad thought. And yet, I can't argue the point. except to say UFT LEADERSHIP does that.
Thanks for all your hard work. I wish I could of done more. I did do some phone work a few days ago. We still needs what used to be—an activist union.
I didn't do that much either. But this was something I was interested in.
I really could not do imore because of our health issues.
I absolutely understand, having spent the last few weeks recovering from surgery. We all do what we can.
The Dems really failed in that last election where Laura Gillen lost. They also allowed George Santos to be elected bc they didn't do any opposition research which resulted in the Dems losing control of the House. I don't know how they re-elected Jacobs after that. That was a huge failure of the Democratic party. I hope they learned their lesson this time.
Jacobs seemed to think they'd win by doing nothing. Quite a strategy. Probably cost Democrats the House. I was pretty shocked seeing Zeldin signs everywhere and nothing for Hochul. Same with Gillen and the guy who beat her.
I had complained to the Suozzi campaign that I didn't see any signs for him in my neighborhood in Levittown, and they told me they keep putting them out but the other side keeps taking them. He won because he orchestrated his whole campaign himself and didn't depend on his party, the Nassau Dems, to help him. Laura Curran also lost the TOH supervisor race bc of no support from her party.
Suozzi learned from his mistakes. He ran for re-election as Nassau County Executive, put out no visible campaign, and lost to a Republican who ended up in jail for stealing money or something. Suozzi is also responsible for that idiot who got bounced from Congress. I recall he stepped down from the seat in a quixotic bid to bounce Hochul.
Wow. These comments say so much!
I agree on the photo ops. As a UFT rep I once volunteered for “Albany Day” traveling with The Bronx UFT, on a cold wintry day. A lot of faffing around with the emphasis on food (early am breakfast provided at Bx UFT, big long drawn out luncheon with self-congratulatory speeches from big, puffed up Albany Dem party officials - one who wound up indicted, and convicted some years later - the snack box for the bus ride back etc) - however little to no “lobbying” was actually accomplished. Our small group, after endlessly waiting, and being stalled, finally “met” for about 20 minutes with some staffer who looked like one of our high school students. Really embarrassing. We all felt kinda stupid. At least I did. Never again.
I went to a Lobby Day. Once. They gave us scripts and told us what to say. It was not really about activism, as far as I could tell. I used the time to organize an event we were holding at our school.
Time for change!
There are many ways to get involved if one chooses to. The UFT website has links informing all members of opportunities such as phone banking, canvassing opportunities in Pennsylvania etc. It’s on the first page and it’s not a secret. There are Political Action Coordinators in each borough. The RTC also sends mass emails through the communications office. I know because i’ve gotten them as a retiree with Bennett Fischer’s name on it. The complaining and finger pointing at “Unity” is counterproductive. We are all members of the same union.
I don't think "finger pointing" is counterproductive at all. It certainly helped to defeat you last May, and now we can actually vote at RTC meetings.
You’re missing the point. There was an election that was held and the Retiree Advocate slate is now running the RTC. I wish Bennett the best of luck. It’s a tough job. There’s nothing wrong with dialogue and disagreement. Whats going to continue to happen now that there’s a change in leadership at the RTC? Continued bashing of fellow unionists through blogging? For you to say i beat “you” sounds childish and petty. You don’t even know me.
I hope to hear more dialogue and less yelling at the RTC meetings but given the tone of the “special guest” it appears that’s not going to change.
The point is the information is out there you just have to go on the website or call someone and ask.
There are ways to communicate and disagree without yelling, screaming and pointing fingers.
No, I'm not missing the point. You come to my place, telling me concurrently that I should be more involved and that I should shut up. You fail to see the contradiction, of course. But I don't.
No one told you to shut up. You have every right to speak your mind that’s why we live in a democracy. We can all agree to disagree. We all have different opinions and we can express them through blogging and voting. That’s the beauty of being an American.
You wrote, " The complaining and finger pointing at “Unity” is counterproductive." I did not take that to mean, "We all have different opinions and we can express them through blogging and voting." But thank you for the clarification.
You’re welcome 👍
After the first RTC of this year. I wrote to B Greenberg asking to join the Labor Solidarity committee. I received no response.
I received many notices about the Women's March including the notice from the UFT Women's Committee.
I have canvassed for Souzzi with UFT/NYSUT. You need to follow the links from political action emails.
I am presently canvassing fir Kamala through AFT in Wisconsin.
I am sorry Brother Arthur that you are not taking the time to read about these events to take advantage of our collective power.
You may be surprised to learn I am not a member of the UFT Women's Committee. Furthermore, I receive only my email, not yours. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
You need to be proactive. Join a committee that resonates with you and then become an active positive contributor. Your complaining that you didn't get invited to an event that you had never expressed interest in. The Math teachers association has never invited me to anything because I have never shown any inclination or interest in joining their activities. Do you think that's a plot?
The point of this post is there could have been quite a few more participants. I regret it eluded you.
Elissa, try contacting Bobby at RGreenberg@uft.org. at our first RTC meeting they gave in incorrect email address for him.
While you, Brother Arthur, bring up some valuable observations I wonder why you do not name the UFT staffers and supervisors responsible for the miscommunications you so well described. As Second Vice President of the RTC are you not able to contact your sister and brother UFT staffers to help remedy this persistent problem? Are all UFT staffers like you Unity members? I am honestly confused by your switching UFT and Unity as terms of address.
The Retiree Advocates are no longer outsiders looking in; Brother Bennett and all others elected are now UFT staffers. In short, please continue the good critical work for which you are known but name names and also clarify whether the staffers are Unity Caucus members.
I am not a staffer, and I hold no paid position in the UFT. Your suggestion otherwise is absurd. I was elected by an overwhelming majority, and I've assigned myself the job of keeping them informed. I do not generally name people, as I am not interested in targeting anyone personally. I make exceptions for the top people, like Mulgrew, who enable the undemocratic practices of our union.
So happy Trump is back! MAGA! Clowns are gone the adults are back!
I appreciate what you write and send to me (as a NYC retiree). Did you ever consider that Mulgrew is really a MAGA Republican. His demeanor and style (lying, arrogant, narcissism, lack of compassion and disinterest in his membership) sure looks like it. And He is lazy and indifferent.
What are your thoughts?
I have been told that by people. However, given Mulgrew's explicit support of Democrats, I believe he votes for them. The fact is the GOP advocates for merit pay and lack of tenure, not to mention privatization of Medicare. That said, we need a leader who values democracy within our union, and better, not worse, health care.