13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoAuthor

Thanks to all for your kind words. I'm just back home and everything went well. I'll take a look at individual comments, but I'm very grateful (too much?) for being home and able to read them.

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Yesterday the young woman at the front desk who was putting in for a few tests just ordered by my new endocrinologist was on the phone to verify authorization, which wasn’t needed since I’m on Traditional Medicare. Later I received a pleasant voicemail letting me know that authorization wasn’t needed and that these tests were in the system for scheduling. Another example of how we must continue to protect our Traditional Medicare from privatization. I have the original letter my Neapolitan Italian immigrant grandfather, who arrived here in 1906, at the age of 18, received in 1964 announcing the introduction of Medicare for those 65 years of age.

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Absolutely. I'm honored to play some small part in this battle.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Wish you a speedy recovery. Recent retiree here. Just signed up for paid subscription. I learn more from your emails than I ever did from any Union communication. So Thank you for your good work!

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Thanks very much for your kind words, and for your generous support!

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19 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Thank you for your wonderful email; parts had me in tears. Here’s to a full and speedy recovery, Arthur

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Thank you so much. I am working on it!

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19 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Here’s to a peaceful and restful recovery:)

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Thank you very much, Kate!

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19 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Be well! Everyone! We need each other!

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Thank you! That is what union is all about, theoretically, now that you mention it. Together, we'll make it literal.

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Speedy recovery, Arthur.

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Thanks Nick!

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Just reading this moving email despite some weird stuff going in with my computer. My original comment didn’t go through. Anyway, thank you for the recognition. I feel that everyone needs to be educated and informed which you do magnificently. I wish and pray that you have a speedy recovery.

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Thanks so much for your kind words and wishes. And thanks for helping me out, especially when I first started this project!

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10 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Best wishes for a safe and speedy recovery. I am sure that we all hope that your medical team is super skilled and conscientious in their efforts. May your insurance program cover all the costs.

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Thanks. I appreciate that. I have a great general doctor, and she picks all my other ones. Hasn't steered me wrong yet.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Thanks for all the articles and wealth of information, Arthur. Get well soon!

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My best wishes for a speedy and full recovery.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Have a speedy recovery. I really appreciate all you do. I have been reading you for years. I believe you have motivated many on this fight literally for our lives.

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Thanks Arthur. I really value your comments. Once again, of course, we Arthurs need to stick together.

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Thanks for the shoutout, Arthur, and your decades of leadership in our union. Speedy recovery!

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Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for writing that great column. I couln't have written it, so I'm very glad you did.

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Wishing you all the best and prayers for a quick recovery. Your posts are always informative and truthful. We may not personally know one another but who you are and what you represent mean a lot to me and all who participate with Union Matters. Will patiently await your posts again once you are fully recovered. Stay strong and positive. Best always, Kathy N.

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Thank you Kathy. I'm home now and feeling well. Maybe I won't be gone so long after all. We shall see.

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Yay! Best news I’ve had today!

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Moved to the core. Just can't be said enough: We're so lucky to have you. Been reading your pieces for some time, and, regardless of the challenges, you keep striving for what's right. Be well quickly dear Arthur.

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Thanks Laura. I've always appreciated your comments, and it was great meeting you and your husband as we rallied with Marianne to support actions we literally PAY Unity to take. Let's work to fix that ASAP.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

I wish you a quick and complete recovery.

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Thank you Eileen!

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