Paranoia has struck deep into the hearts of our ostensible leaders. After suffering major losses in two elections, they are losing their shit all over the place.
First, a Unity member got up and pled for civility. We all know what that means. Unity’s former RTC Chapter Leader Tom Murphy wrote a whole piece on it. What that means, not to put too fine a point on it, is that everyone who disagrees with Unity should sit down and shut up.
Murphy ran meetings for years in which no motions were entertained and no votes were held, at all. Clearly the chapter was against the Unity push for Medicare Advantage. Murphy sometimes allowed no questions, and I recall his once allowing ONE question about our health.
Can you imagine the gall it takes to restrict retirees from speaking about their health? And can you imagine someone feigning shock that people to whom you deny voice and vote should protest? If you were attending Murphy’s meetings last year, you don’t need to.
In fact, it’s now Unity shouting at our RTC meetings. That’s okay, because in Mulgrew World, Unity can do whatever it likes.
After that there came a very formally worded resolution about “union interference.” At first I thought I was mishearing, but I was not. The woman who brought the resolution refused to name which insidious forces were interfering. I’d bet she was talking about my friend Marianne Pizzitola and her group, NYC Retirees.
Let’s be clear here—while Mulgrew and Unity’s Very Smart People were selling out dues-paying retirees to finance a contract from which retirees derived no benefit whatsoever, a contract that ought not to have required any givebacks, a contract Mulgrew claimed had not givebacks, Marianne Pizzitola organized a group to support us. And she’s been doing a hell of a job.
For years now, this group has protected our Medicare, even as Mulgrew and his double-pensioned, creme brûlée eating Very Smart People sat in their offices and congratulated one another on their brilliant achievements, Marianne was battling for us in the courts and in the streets. She is a genuine working class hero, and there aren’t many.
Marianne Pizzitola is doing the job we pay Michael Mulgrew and all his Very Smart People to do. And I’ll tell you one more thing, Unity—until you’re willing to stand up and help us, financially, and in court, and on the streets, you have some damn gall presuming to tell us with whom we may associate.
So go ahead and pass your resolution if you like. We’re not afraid of you. We will continue to battle to protect ourselves and those who come after us. How dare you presume to instruct us who we may affiliate with?
This is not unionism. This is the desperate, last gasp attempt of a dying creature to assert its dominion over those it never ought to have tried to control in the first place.
This resolution is an absolute disgrace. Union is made to expand and raise our voices, not shut us up.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Unity has been in charge so long they’ve forgotten what union is.
That will change in May.
UFT Delegate Assembly, January 15, 2025
I’m cut off for a few minutes, and call back.
4:19—Mulgrew says he has a lot of things, but small to talk about. Budget process beginning, resolution to support people in CA. Will have new president in five days.
Met with CEC presidents and parents, concerned about how this affecter s school system, policies, book banning, what we can and cannot teacher. Said it’s clear the state runs education system. Federal government involved with poverty and disabilities,
Race to the Top didn’t affect titles. Offered money with certain policies. Afraid they may tie this to Title One this year. We have all sorts of contingencies. In contact with state and congressional delegation about contingencies if they arrive. We prepare and can shift quickly if things go badly.
Different from last time. Looks a little crazy. Canada not joining US. Thinks it’s a diversion.
DOE has done training, concerned about ICE agents coming into schools, Please don’t yell out, be respectful, people have told me they want to listen. Not in anyone’s interest to say schools won’t be safe all the time. Principals are trained, but I don’t believe it will happen.
We will say schools are absolutely sacred and safe. Worried about when parents won’t be there to pick up kids. When we learn more we’ll get it out—school is a safe zone, and we’ll work from there, If acute problem, we’ll hit the streets, if schools are not safe, they’ll be arresting teachers. Teachers and staff always protect children, what we do.
Talking to parents, working together, trying to get stuff done, Use common sense,
State of state yesterday, Beginning of budget session. Was about working with middle class to be able to live and work in NY, Child care incentives, heavy investment in education, housing programs. Lots on subways and crime, Wants to increase presence in subway by 1600 state troopers or NYPD.
Have to deal with mental health crisis. We want someone to deliver for working people, people who live in our state.
Will be a lot on cell phones. Almost banned them last year.
State—can’t be burden on school itself, phones have to be when they come in, and when they leave they deposit phones. We need this as school system. Cell phones cause mental health issues. Students angry at first. Then, they aren’t after a few months. They have less stress.
Middle schools phones cause a lot of bullying. Surgeon general says no, 1 health crisis for children,
Foundation aid will be fully funded, NYC will get money for class size.
City—Budget process started, initial budget tomorrow. Will say sky is falling despite billions in reserve. They don’t believe people can read documents. These folks out to lunch. Right now, they assume billions for migrant costs. Since last April, only a few hundred in school system.
City elections—12 open city council seats. Our goal is council that will stand up to mayor, good chair, have friends, but 12 open seats, will be change in leadership. Important for us. Controller open race. Mayor either open or reelection. Talking to all who want to run. Many interviews. Political dept. will do this, but we need people in districts. Not based on personal relationships, but committees asking tough questions.
Friday DA room was full. District reps met, had clarification letter on literacy policy, going after paperwork and assessments. Heard about discussions, Letter said no spreadsheets. Administrators ignored. Said they had good reasons, chancellor signed, said stop wasting teacher time. Asked CLs, if there were any issues, must be in consultation notes. Rights don’t exist unless utilized.
If not resolved, will go to district. Cleared up many things. It’s a union, not a magic want. We have the responsibility of utilizing power. We do it smart way and get it done, Friday chancellor will meet with HS and MS math teachers about Illustrative Math. Says she understands. Says literacy is better, but math is real problem. Most chancellors say things are wonderful. This one says she’s working with UFT.
Paraprofessionals—If you don’t have para on consultation committee, get one. Who has para vacancies? About a third. Better than in survey. UFT helped recruit and process 1600 paras. Schools must be staffed appropriately or will be more pressure for teachers. Buildings must be staffed properly. Committee membership shows respect. Paras sometimes don’t even get bathroom key. Paras have to be trained, Massive turnover. Asked to diaper children with no training.
Getting money from state for staffing. Need to utilize properly.
Special education—more than 900 schools say if ELL teacher or ICT teacher calls out, no sub. Use consultation or special ed. committee. Ask what sub plan is for school. Principals can’t say they can’t get subs. DOE continues to make sure there are no subs unless we identify. Ask about sub plan in consultation.
Schools that have done this well have their own pools of subs. We have to go out and get people. Then we can show sub central doesn’t work, stop wasting time.
New Dept. at DOE called DIAL. Division of Inclusive and Accessible Learning. Been through many of these, they’re always fixing things, but not actually recruiting unless we push them. D75 weekend—they know DIAL is coming. They look at it and try to reduce number of children in D75, to save money. This district should require the most funding.
No one talks to D75. What are the facing? What do they need? They’ve learned to figure out things on their own. Shouldn’t be that way. Took special ed. away from sp. ed. Dept. Gave it to teaching and learning, eliminated, started new dept. with same people. We will engage and push.
Largest voice is sp. ed. parents. Thanks D75 who came out.
Congestion pricing, didn’t get injunction, but we are optimistic, Judge found validity in constitutional and environmental questions. Just politics 101—no environmental impact study, just assessment not approved by EPA, which deems process suspect. Will see where it goes. New admin may see things differently.
Eyeglass benefit increased, TRS for all. Was big fight, many titles, thanks OT/PT. Remember when we had 55/25? We recommended as safeguard. Some didn’t take it, are upset, want to know when it reopens. We have to reopen Tier 6. Make sure chapters know.
Consultation notes important.
Class size—will get a lot of money from state. Of all schools that put in, about 800, some have just started. 30 need to submit. Reaching out, DOE wants to close. Will look and number of staff requested. See how much money we get, will be recurring unless economic calamity.
DOE looks at blue books, which are wrong. Will continue this and see how many staff requested. We can get way over 60%, don’t know if we can fund all, over half applied. If we don’t have enough space it means you’re granted a waiver. Some schools have no space, and can go up. Works in Manhattan.
Schools have to choose. Tough questions. Up to schools. Can find more teachers, or cap classes. Are school decisions. My class was always full. Students would ask for it.
Raise kicks in January 18th, Saturday, 3%. Fought hard, city very reluctant. Will see raise February 15, retroactive. Tell staff. What will happen is we’ll get calls and emails. Let them know it’s coming. Bonus on or about May 1.
Another raise in September.
Headed into end of first semester. Will see what happens, optimistic about state budget, city will be a mess. Mayor’s race will take over everything. Next month will share legislative agenda. Want 55 for tier 6.
We want additional tax credit for out of pocket expenses. When you travel to other countries teachers are revered. Better here now, but we’ve lived through teacher bashing. We cannot fill our positions. Part is because of HR, but same in other communities and states.
If a market can’t recruit, they should treat us better. There are upstate NY districts that can’t staff 60%. We have to push even more on this. Can’t do this unless we hold DOE feet to the fire on staffing appropriately. DOE gives lump sum, says you have enough. When principals question, they’re told they’re wrong.
Principals can hire 5 APs with 600 kids in a school. They know they haven’t got appropriate staff. Let us know, put in consultation. Make sure you get what you need on literacy. File operational complaint if principal doesn’t cooperate.
LeRoy Barr—UFT election season, petitions available Feb. 12, due back March 17. Teacher choice form required Friday. African Heritage dinner Feb 7. UFT Black History film series coming, various films and discussions, Asian American Heritage banquet. Happy birthday to Dr, King, celebrated Monday, next DA Feb 12.
Q—Have there been updates on new covid memo
A—Right now we’re the only union with covid days. Issue is if someone has problem, contact Mike Sill. Law needs to be in effect until Jan, 25. How will this go moving forward? Strange bugs going around right now. Infectious pneumonia, head cold, stomach issues. Don’t know why other unions didn’t fight. won’t give up without fight.
Q—Vanessa Hall—Clarification with spreadsheets. We are being asked to do data trackers for entire class, and now also want us to progress monitor students with daily checklist. District 11 Bronx PS 97
A—principal sounds like complete nut job. Wants you to fill out things for him. Waste of your time. We will address tomorrow. Please send email to me.
Q—Mavis Shawn—CL for some time, comes here because I want to be informed, hear issues, debate, very open. But you do your report, and hoping things will change, Last Da very disturbed at how people interrupt your report. I get it people want to say what they have to say. I was taught not what you do, how you do it.
Could we have some civility? How can we bring civility back to what we need to do. Be respectful.
A—Comes down to who is voted in, Representative Assembly. People get voted in. Yes we want civility. Not body about politics. Doing business of union. No politicking or campaigning in DA. Will be some back and forth. Have right to say what you want but not at expense of others,. We are an education and health care union, I was in carpenter union. they used to yell at each other, I will uphold a person’s right to speak but also right to say you’ve spoken enough.
When one or two children disrupt a class, is tough. We’re not children, know better, Hope this union does not become reflective of that. Strategy to yell make sure nothing gets done. Think majority is smart, saying we need to get to business of union.
Q—Jeanie ?—IEP parents not happy because city doesn’t have providers how can we help?
A—Have to get city to admit they don’t have people. They can hire, call CUNY, but they just put out ads. I know titles are down, but we need them. If parent files complaint, it’s helpful. Haven’t even spoken to CUNY about hiring.
Q—Doris Novus—Para rep, when it comes to committee, am I part of consultation team?
A—Each school has right to create team as they see fit. That’s why I recommend paras be on every committee. When they came into our contract, was no language in how they were put together. DOE wanted principal to have voice in makeup. We said no. No way to force it, but we recommend para on committee.
?—Places resolution for next month. Resolution in union interference (?). We draw strength from UFT, our storied history has pivotal victories. Advocate for rights, faced with threat from those who wish to interfere with democratic process. Non member and external orgs want to infiltrate our elections. unacceptable. Direct threat to autonomy of members. Such interference undermines essence of our democracy. Necessary stance to safeguard our values, crucial. Power to guide our union solely with us. We will protect independence, holding accountable those who seek to compromise it. Reinforce independence.
Point of information—Last whereas refers to non-member individual, can we have name?
Mulgrew—they don’t have to.
Says resolution as written is anyone who is non member.
Point of info—First question—says no others should have voice, very broad. Are we saying that stakeholders, parents, ed. advocates should not have a voice.
Second—who decides what interference is and will adjudicate?
Mulgrew—are provisions in constitution. Could come up in debate.
Speaker against—Kristen ?—Speaks against—without greater specificity should be voted down. Need to know who outside actors are.
Peter Lamphere—Don’t think we need to pretend we don’t know who we are talking about, In 1950s, 1000 members…
Mulgrew interrupts.
PL—Was handed flyer saying my group front for DSA, offended, insulted, my dedication, risked life, family, job for this union, somehow suspect for affiliation, McCarthyism, you know it.
Mulgrew stops him.
Voting on whether to bring forth resolution next month.
514-428 54% passes. room 156-134
Various presenters—They say if you don’t have a seat at the table, you’re on menu. we have to stand up for what works best for students. We can now teach with integrity, not fidelity. Need teacher voice in planning.
Ilona Nanay—Support this resolution, suggest amendment. UFT will advocate to have compensated teacher led curriculum committees at school and district levels. Teachers should develop curriculum and be trained and compensated.
835 y no 72 in room 56 y 19 n 92% passes.
Resolution passes by 95% as amended.
Leo Gordon—Access and equity, CTE is my life. Was CTE student. Problem is we love when it gets students jobs, but it’s not properly funded. Always told isn’t enough money. 200 million dedicated, but we only get 15 million. Urge you to support. Important to kids and teachers,
Michael Lynch—Retired CTE teacher of culinary arts. RTC delegate. Every students wants to learn. CTE programs begin in elementary, always underfunded and undervalued. Changing due to power of unions. Respect this resolution very much, Must be implemented. Good for all. encourages support.
788 yes no 14 online room 261-3 passes at 98%.
Connor Callaghy—Wants additional time for special education teachers to work with IEPs. Not enough time for educators to write quality IEPs. Support detailed reports. but time to do this has not risen. Sp. ed teachers already have a lot on their plates.
Carolyn Murphy—amendment—add related service providers, who also have to maintain IEPs.
576-39 room 242-5 95% passes
Supporter speaks in favor.
680-26 256-2 passes 97%.
Mulgrew thanks us. We are adjourned.
They passed a totally unenforceable reso by the skin of their teeth, in a room they stacked with their own people, including paid staff. That’s not a show of strength — it’s blood in the water.
I also can’t help but wonder what they mean by non-UFT outsiders. Does that include non-UFTer Ellie Engler and her sanctioned interfering in the para chapter? 🤔
I was on the phone, had a question about retirees having to go through hoops as if they were first time subs, to sub in NYC system..but I was not called on, due to timed out.
But I felt bad for Peter, but at the same time, I'm glad he expressed his outrage at the red-baiting. Mulgrew surprised me by apologizing to him for "being snarky". An understatement, of course. I did note that the person who raised the reso made sure to call herself DR whatever! from Murrow Hs. To let you know shes highly credentialed, maybe lowering herself to speak to mere mortals without PHd's! Remember the RED colored mailings Unity sent out to oppose oppo candidate many years ago! But I do think with all respect to Peter that this charade was aimed at Marrianne- & those of us who love & champion her- more than anyone, even more than the DSA!