I’m flabbergasted that our UFT leadership sees fit to demonize Marianne. The fact is that every retiree over the age of 65 has Medicare only because of her organization, NYC Retirees. If you like their work, you may contribute here.
Next month is an important one, as Bentkowski will be heard. This is the case in which Eric Adams wishes to dump us all into Aetna Medicare Advantage. There is an amicus brief by the Municipal Labor Committee, and UFT is part of that. So, while Michael Mulgrew can say otherwise, and while we can pass resolutions otherwise, UFT supports our being dumped into Medicare Advantage.
There are bills set to protect us, including Intro 1096, and as part of MLC, UFT opposes them. Michael Mulgrew’s name appears on a letter opposing it, and I have various reports of UFT employees lobbying against it. I haven’t got a clue how Michael Mulgrew and his supporters muster the audacity to claim UFT opposes Medicare Advantage.
There’s also a very interesting bill that I discussed in this post. UFT leadership seems to indicate it’s of no concern. However, that’s the same way they presented Medicare Advantage. Once people show you who they are, it’s tough to view them otherwise.
Marianne’s very sharp, and I’m thankful she agreed to appear with me on this podcast. Hope you like it!
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