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#1 Unity is sinking lower each DA

#2 TRUTHFULLY UFT should really be funding our fight for traditional Medicare. They should be funding all the legal fees since they caused us such distress

#3 Marianne P (Superwoman Linda Carter) you go girl

#4 We need to start a campaign on why I VOTED UNITY OUT

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And yet they liked this post. Go figure. I know they can't read the room. Perhaps they are altogether hard of reading.

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You’re saying what I’m sure many in UNITY are thinking and feeling but dare not utter.

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That could certainly be true. Their working conditions are abysmal, considering the highly-compensated schoolyard bully who could fire them at a moment's notice. I'll have to write about that. Thanks for reminding me.

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Totally agree. Love the fact that you will write about this, and how many will get their chance to vote against their Unity Caucus. But for someone to actually use the **official** Unity substack acct to "like" a piece that doesn't represent Unity Leadership, feels downright bizarre. Could the Unity Leadership accept their profile getting used because they hope to confuse readers who aren't fully informed? It's especially strange since the same **official** Unity substack acct has been busy "liking" vile pieces against Marianne Pizzitola and UFT's non-Unity critics.

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Arthur You must be driving Unity crazy. Every time they lie you refute it with both the facts and humor. It is a pleasure to read your articles. Thank you.

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Thank you Alan. I appreciate that.

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Bravo Arthur!! Fact after fact, you show how stupendously stupid and dictatorial Mulgrew and his Unity Caucus are as they push to pass their crazy resolution! They are not what UFT or any real union were built for. The more people know how dishonest Mulgrew and the Unity Caucus are, the faster they'll be voted out this May!

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Thanks Laura. Let's work to make that happen.

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I think more and more that many delegates did not have a clue what that resolution really means. I hate to say this but many of our colleagues are not critical thinkers. There are always outside forces influencing organizations. I would love to speak to the person who made the resolution that was definitely written for her which she definitely practiced a lot of times. I want to ask her if she has in her life plan to retire and to reach 65 years old.

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I don't care who wrote it. The intent of that resolution was crystal clear. Let's see whether they muster the audacity to push it through.

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I had to attend remotely for two months because of my wife. Next month I will be there in person. Oh by the way I found out the name of Murrow’s chapter leader. When I looked her up, I saw she wrote a letter to the state about the class size in her school. In it she described how she had elicited the support of the parents. Cannot have it both ways.

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I work on Wednesday, and I haven't got time to get to the DA or my home on time. I stay in school, listen, and take notes. The fact is this--the more allies we have, the more powerful we are. Without NYC Retirees, every single one of us would be in an inferior MA plan right this moment. By vilifying Marianne, Unity palpably demonstrates their preference that they'd rather have us stuck than helping ourselves. It's disgraceful.

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It is in response to your piles of rhetoric. If I were still in the classroom, my students and I would have so much fun deconstructing your post and identifying all the many propagandist techniques you employ. However, as fabulous students of literature, I would hope that they would see that it is all ..."full of sound and fury. Signifying nothing" or for my younger students, they would be reminded to "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

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As it happens, I just stepped out of a classroom, where I was teaching argumentative writing. And here's the thing--if you were able to do that, you'd be doing it. As things stand now, you have yet to offer an argument.

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Elissa: How about throwing a fact our way now and then instead rhetoric.

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Her campaign against Lynn W. Her lack of transparency with retirees monetary contributions. My own union membership and history and Arthur's slanted recap of the same events

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Lynn W. championed Medicare Advantage that's like being in favor of leprosy. My understanding of the lack of transparency is that members of Unity have contributed but do not want it known to avoid retaliation by Mulgrew who it seems is very allergic to people disagreeing with him. One of the benefits of being a member of the UFT is that you are entitled to being lied on a regular basis. As to Arthur, what specific facts has he misinterpreted? Have you read the Resolution passed at the last DA? It is a doozy. It reeks of censorship.

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It reeks of McCarthyism. Are you, or have you ever been, a member of NYC Retirees?

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The massive campaign against Lynn began when she asked questions about the NY Health Care Act. Btw...isn't SHE entitled to ask questions?

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When did she ask this question? What was the question and where was it asked?

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At the RTC

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As an outsider this all reads very personal. Why bash Mulgrew on common core and give Ravitch a pass on No Child Left Behind and being part of Bush admin. She was only right about Common Core after making some serious missteps. I believe everyone can evolve and don't hold it against her. She's become an incredible source for good as has Mugrew.

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No, Diane as a true educator learned and changed her mind without any ulterior motives. On the other hand, his is a political ploy. I still do not see a resolution that the UFT will fight the city if they try to implement MA. I DO NOT SEE A REAL AMICUS BRIEF from the union. It is not what you say but what you do.

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Isn't it strange that the ABC substack has 8k followers and Arthur has 2K. Also abc has 500 on facebook. Math aint mathing. Someone is cooking the books

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Your heroine Ms P. has stated that retirees are NOT union members. That is what she thinks of you. Watch her as she solicits you for more money. throws hardworking unionists under the bus, throws her support to politicians who have not been tested and now applauds the NYSHA

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That's outlandish and ridiculous. She and her group have, in fact, saved us from the inferior care Mulgrew and the MLC attempted to force us into. Her group supports politicians who support our struggle to retain real Medicare. In fact, retirees of most unions are not union members. Furthermore, Mulgrew and Unity have abjectly failed to represent us, despite the fact that we pay their salaries.

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Under the labor laws, unions bargain for the wage, benefits and terms of employment. Retirees do not receive wages, employee benefits or working conditions.

That is why your benefits as a retiree were negotiated when you were an employee.

Marianne is absolutely on point and simply stating the labor law.

Mulgrew’s very smart lawyers should look up the Retiree Health Insurance Moratorium law which provided that if retiree benefits are reduced a corresponding reduction must be made to school district employees.

Mulgrew’s very smart lawyers would have argued that Medicare Advantage was not a reduction in benefits but now that the UFT and Mulgrew oppose Medicare Advantage,

the UFT and Mulgrew cannot claim that the retirees would receive equal benefits under Medicare Advantage.

Instead of defaming Marianne , you should be questioning Mulgrew about the Retiree Health Insurance Moratorium Law.

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Mulgrew still claims MA was maligned, that doctors wouldn't refuse it, and that Aetna wouldn't deny us coverage. It doesn't matter that even Aetna said otherwise in court. I am amazed at the outlandish arguments coming from the people who lead our union. As usual, it's the best they can do. And as usual, it's obvious those of us who take the time to think things through can do better.

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Knowledge is power. Reading is fundamental. Listen to the law. You are in a retiree association. Retirees are NOT in a collective bargaining unit. https://youtu.be/TgUFMw1IH3c?si=oYRUwTh8HhLztfBM

In this video you can hear the judge and the lawyers in this famous case.

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Oh yes and Elissa, we pride on fact checking bullshit. I have not endorsed the NYHA. I and my organization have protected retired unionists better than any union in this city including yours. Remember. We are here because of your union and your unity caucus advocated for stealing benefits from Retired unionists to pay your own raises and your healthcare premiums

That’s anti-union. It was unity that threw Retirees under the bus. The New York City organization of public service retirees, protected them, organize them, hired attorneys to defend them and we have done so successfully.

3 courts and 13 judges across three different cases have found that the municipal labor committee under the leadership of your union leader violated the law multiple times.

And yet you still attacked the people who have been victimized

I have more union in my pinky then you have in your entire body

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Incredible Elissa. Goes to show you how little you know about Marianne Pizzitola and why you're not fighting along with her/us to protect our health benefits and the fate of Medicare - as you should

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Gustavo Rivera pitched it to us. Lynn submitted questions about how it will affect UFT RTC members in Florida. His answers were unsatisfactory. You'll have to ask Bennet for the minutes

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The criticism of Lynn began long before that meeting, back when she was misrepresenting how good Medicare Advantage is despite it being known for some time (since Wendell Potter's book came out in 2010) how bad it was. Maybe she didn't know that, but you would think she would express a regret for the harm she did.

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When was this asking of a question?

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In the UFT, we have a retiree chapter. We elect delegates who attend and vote at Delegate Assemblies. We also send representatives to the AFT to vote as Ranking Delegates. Yes,we do not bargain for wages anymore but we do ENJOY our pensions. TDA'S and health benefits.

While i was in- service I proudly voted for Sandy, Randi and Michael to represent me. As a retiree, I have also voted for Michael and the Unity slate. Additionally, as a Ranking Delegate. I have had the honor of voting for Randi for AFT president.

I have, as an in service member and as a retiree voted resolutions to go forward and I have voted against them.

Please do not deny me my lived experience as you deny all the good that Unity has done for the members of the UFT.

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Vote for whom you wish. That's all fine, but all off topic. You've failed to address anything in the post, and you've failed to address anything in the comments. You've failed even to dispute the fact that your beloved Unity has fought to take away our Medicare. I'd bet dimes to dollars Mulgrew rues the day he made that decision.

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