The UFT leadership should not be like the politburo of the Soviet Union. “Times are a changin.”The time is for new leadership.

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Absolutely Keith. Thanks for your comment.

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Among your best to date. Having heard a bit of difference from my retiree organization about MLC, however I have to wonder if their role in all of this is as healthy as it should be. Regardless, I believe Unions began for the betterment of rank and file members and gained my support because of that, but, and yes there is a but, over generations their leaders have chiseled away at that idea until it is almost just a sliver of that concept today. That is proven in low salaries across the board, dwindling health care choices and hiring more Administrators than teachers. I see the Unions as the last remaining gauntlet for rank & file to get back that original concept by electing people like you and the others in leadership positions for retirees. It is the retiree group who has been treated disrespectfully as the BETA group without their approval by current leaders. And we are suffering from the harm that has done to us. Much like the students who suffer because of administrative and union leaders decisions for them. I hope you and all of your co-partners win that 2025 election. Thank you once again for keeping us all informed.

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Thanks for your kind words. We absolutely believe that Unity has discarded the mission statement of unionism, and we intend to revive it.

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All of the opposition movements had better come together NOW. We have very little time left and if we do not act as a group, Unity will walk off with the goodies - again.

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