Aug 20Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Thank you for this article and your untiring refusal to sit back and let misrepresentation by Unity go unrefuted. I also like how the drawing of Mulgrew shows his superior disdain for others, usually hidden beneath a veneer of "humility." As Debs once said, a union is most hurt by the treachery of those within it. In building his empire, Mulgrew has divided people instead of making for Solidarity.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

Thank you. I believe that is an editorial cartoon from somewhere that was modified by Chaz, Eric Chasannoff, for his blog. Chaz was a longtime ATR teacher who managed to get through the experience with a mix of humor and resignation. He was reassigned by a vindictive principal for no good reason I could ever find.

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Aug 21Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Keep crushing them Arthur! Lack of due diligence is bad enough, but, with all the underhanded ways Mulgrew and his Smart People STILL hope to railroad us and privatize traditional Medicare, it's not farfetched to see it as a deliberate choice to include GHI Senior Care in that initial email we received -that listed health coverages Unity felt we should see as impacted by the outcome of this MSK-Anthem battle. And you said it Arthur! -What an argument on behalf of traditional Medicare -which I also believe Mulgrew and his Team hoped to hide! If every member gets why GHI Senior Care is the ONLY plan to remain above this negotiation fray, Mulgrew's Big$ vision of health care would surely sink. The May 2025 UFT General Elections are not as distant as some think. Unity must be kicked out! So let's keep sharing these fine articles!

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Thanks. Here's Mulgrew's vision of health care--claim to oppose bad things while doing nothing to stop them, all the while supporting amicus briefs to enable said bad things.

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"Someone in UFT Unity didn’t bother with their homework, and as a result scared the bejeezus out of thousands of Medicare-eligible retirees." I think is all intentional not just not doing homework - scaring people is part of the plan to create doubt. It's very Trumpian.

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It could be. I wouldn't be surprised. However, I can't say for sure.

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If Unity and Weingarten (President for Life) and Mulgrew (better known as Chairman Mulgrew) believed in fair elections, they would provide all caucuses with the same access to members. Weingarten and Mulgrew want to “save democracy” for elections except for their elections. The hypocrisy is rich i.e rancid.

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Is the UFT using dues money to pay for lawsuits you referenced as B and C?

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