18 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

I was listening to (yet another) Medicare presentation this morning, which brought up two things I’m looking into further, the 2nd of which is particularly interesting. (a) Kind of obvious, but Advantage plans negotiated by employers/unions don’t have to follow the same rules as open-market “Medicare-approved” plans, and (b) it has been found that employer or union negotiators are known in some cases to be receiving kickbacks. Does anyone know about a possible kickbacks situation here? Does anyone suspect such a thing of our unions?

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That's speculation. While I wouldn't rule it out, I'd need evidence to write about it. We do know, though, that there were a bunch of conditions under which we'd require pre-approvals, and that to sell the plan they had a temporary agreement to rule out some of them. I would absolutely not trust Unity to maintain that, and there were still pre-approvals not covered by the agreement. We also know that not all doctors would accept it, and by those measures alone it's inferior to what we now have.

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I get it what you’re saying of course, but with regard to my (a) above, I did not know that the there’s such a thing as Medicare-approved Medicare Advantage plans, and these follow different regulations than employer/union-negotiated Advantage plans. That’s what I’d like to know more about.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Let’s see what strings King Mulgrew will pull to get his daughter, Meghan Mulgrew, off the hot seat. What a tangled web they weave and every little corrupt strand is connected to our detriment.

What are we doing about Bennett’s exclusion from the Philadelphia bus?

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We're writing about it and letting King Mulgrew know we are watching. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Sunlight maybe a disinfectant however we need something stronger at this point. With my hat off to you for bringing this all to the fore.

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Thank you. My best suggestion is we vote them out in May, but I'm open to suggestions. I've come to feel our union is not supporting us at all, and that's why I regularly contribute to NYC Retirees. IMHO, they are doing the work we PAY Mulgrew and his ducklings to do.

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Ted Seidle

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Not much different from Weingarten’s back room deal to lower our TDA percentage. It has been about taking from the actives and retirees since Weingarten stepped in. Whatever Sandra Feldman was, I don’t think this is what she would have in mind, despite Weingarten being her tight friend.

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This time, though, the retirees spoke up and voted out Unity. Better late than even later.

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I love how you quickly respond to any criticism Arthur. What a contrast to Mulgrew and Unity. Bennett was wise in asking you to give us the entire correspondence -as it shows the thoroughness and encouraging way he reached out to Mulgrew - and how Mulgrew's outrageous response reeked so much more. To then be ghosted after Bennett followed up with why and how Mulgrew could still help us despite said 'reasons' was far more than insulting -but, as you pointed out, Mulgrew couldn't think of a credible answer. The double-talk and silence of Mulgrew and Unity are all of one piece. Thanks for being steadfast and letting your exposé rip Arthur.

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Thanks Laura, and thank Bennett as well, because he's the one who insisted on this. Well, it was a good idea. I'm just amazed Unity can put out this stuff and expect us to buy it. Evidently, they simply haven't got anything else to offer.

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Totally! Bennett rocks! His appeal to Mulgrew was outstanding and having us see the full interaction further shows how Unity not only doesn't care, but can't withstand the facts - as you've proven in each of your pieces. May everyone share, share, share, because I can't wait to see the day when Mulgrew and Unity are shown the door!

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Thanks again for your kind words Laura. Bennett writes very effectively. It may not be a fair playing field though. Unlike Unity, Bennett has actual arguments.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

No doubt we must so everything possible to rid ourselves of Unity. Any retiree who would vote for Unity the next time will be voting against him or herself. The same goes for in-service members. He has plans for their health, which he will not reveal unless he is re-elected. Additionally, they to will one day retire—some sooner or later, if they make it to retirement under tier 6.

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I'm not sure Unity gets to reveal the new in-service plan, but I agree that it's likely held up until after the election. It will be on us to get the word out that it's coming, among other things you won't be reading in NY Teacher any time soon.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Arthur Goldstein

Thank you for having us know the efforts Bennett Fischer is making in our behalf and the sliminess in Mulgrew saying one thing and doing another.

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Thanks for your kind comment, and you're very welcome.

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Thank you! Valuable information and lots of interesting back-and-forth. To my ear, that is, the tone, would Bennett’s directness, shading to sarcasm hit Mr. Mulgrew as a tad too offensive? A person perhaps insecure as to their ability, subsisting on bravado, perhaps would go on auto opposition. The flattery bus carries a lot more with this dude, but another suggestion would be the pitiful stories of elders harmed by refusal of services, the actual stress and trapped ill elders without proper care, due to Advantage skimming profits before care. Can’t appeal to the head—too hard? Go for the heart? Heavy.

Going on a hunch, as a LCSW.

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It's tough to deal with an entity like Unity. They're so used to doing whatever the hell they want with no pushback, ever. The thing they did was unconscionable. Unity's response, thus far, has been going out of their way to APPEAR to be doing something, while not actually doing anything. I'm honestly not sure which approach would produce a different result. They are good at insulting you for being uncivil and such, but that has little value, and to me, it's just noise. I'm not persuaded they're much good at anything else.

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