I apologize to those of you who left comments earlier. I made an error in the post and had to republish it. Alas, they disappeared.

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Here’s my comment from this morning:

Unions are made up of people from all political persuasions. But we are all workers with the same purpose. In the case of UFT to do the best for our students education.; to make sure our workers are taken care of financially and health wise. Unions are not working for or with the bosses! Everyone, including, Mr. Mulgrew and his UNITY followers, should listen to this historical discussion that was broadcast on WBAI. President Johnson , working with everyone was able to establish Medicare to the disappointment of the nay sayers. It is to protect and bring equality of healthcare to all. It’s the best we have right now for retirees and others who qualify. Thank you to Marianne and her fortitude for fighting for what we were promised. https://wbai.org/archive/program/episode/?id=55543

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Medicare is head and shoulders better than the MA programs. It's nothing short of disgraceful that Mulgrew seeks to dump our Medicare, in exchange for deals from which we benefit not at all. What should you give back to get a contract that meets cost of living? Absolutely nothing.

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I’m waiting patiently for May. I pulled my COPE donations as soon as Unity tried to take our Medicare away. I think this is a fine way to show we mean business. I would encourage all union members to do the same until we get new leadership.

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I advocated for COPE for years until they actually used union lawyers to threaten me for exercising my First Amendment rights. That was it for me as well.

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When is the AFT election? Do we even get a vote in this? Isn't it far past time to oust Randi from her throne too?

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First, I've heard Randi is going to retire after this term. To vote in AFT election, you must be an AFT delegate. To win AFT delegates, we need to defeat Unity.

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How do we stop paying for COPE?

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Two step process. First you write a letter.


Then they send you a letter:


And you confirm. Full disclosure--when ABC wins, I'm going to contribute again.

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