Support Your Local Parasite
Michael Mulgrew and Unity bosses want your health care dollars for corporations that do NOT add value.
Most developed countries have some form of national health care. That’s important, because frankly, there is nothing more important than health. It really makes me sad when I see fund-raisers for musicians or artists who have health issues. In Canada, for example, these artists wouldn’t need to resort to GoFundMe, or whatever.
In the United States, there are very few forms of public health care. We have Medicaid for those with low income, and Medicare for those with high ages. I’ve been on Medicare since July, and I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see doctors and not pay co-pays. Of course, that entails having a Medigap program that covers the 20% Medicare does not.
As a teacher, I’ve heard a lot about value-added. Bill Gates sent his people to our school and tried to initiate a program to place cameras in rooms to find out just what those teachers who got higher test scores did differently. I can tell you, though, that I can teach the very same lesson to two groups of kids and get wildly different results. (It’s odd that education experts like Gates don’t know those things.)
It’s very, very hard to measure the value an individual teacher adds, and I’d argue that test scores are a very small portion of that value. In fact, given the quality of standardized tests, I might argue their results show nothing, or even less than nothing.
Health care is another thing entirely. UFT President Michael Mulgrew, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, and their BFFs on the Municipal Labor Committee want to take Medicare away from not only me, but also every New York City retiree. They want to place us in a plan administered by Aetna. I can tell you precisely what value Aetna adds to Medicare—none whatsoever.
Aetna, along with every so-called Medicare Advantage plan, takes a cut of what the government contributes to Medicare. How do they make money? They make money by paying doctors less, and by denying care they deem unnecessary. Mulgrew says Aetna will pay doctors the same Medicare does, and that may be true. But it may not be permanent. Mulgrew is always “improving” our health care by having us pay more. Which experienced city employee doesn’t believe he’d improve it further by paying doctors less?
Mulgrew originally tried selling Advantage by saying every doctor who took Medicare would take this plan. But when members asked their doctors if that were true, they learned it was not. Is Mulgrew a liar? Well, if he isn’t, he’s woefully uninformed. Either way, it renders him unfit to lead a group which, to a very large function, regulates the health care of its members.
Mulgrew can tell retirees that this hospital, or that group of hospitals will take this plan or that. But that may not last. Hospitals are dumping Advantage plans in large numbers.
Enticed by incessant TV ads blaring every night with those fictional characters Martha and Karen and that old shill Joe Namath pushing plans, especially those with zero premiums, more converts have signed up for potentially less health care coverage and more out-of-pocket expense when illness strikes. In return, they are told they may have no monthly premium and receive a grab bag of goodies like grocery cards and a handful of toiletries. Those goodies may be less attractive, however, when that health plan makes you wait weeks for a diagnostic test to see if you have cancer or will only pay a small portion of the bill if you do.
Do you really believe that health care companies would spend millions of dollars on advertising out of the goodness of their hearts? Do you think that their offers of this or that really mean you and yours will receive better care? I think that, if I sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan, millions of dollars that should be spent toward my health care will go to pay Joe Namath. Many, many more millions will go to Aetna, or whatever parasitical entity is withholding health care and medical compensation to profit off of me and my fellow Americans.
Aetna is not interested in your health. Aetna is interested in profiting from your health, or lack thereof.
And alas, if you’re in service, your health care is imperiled as well. Michael Mulgrew wants you in a plan that’s ten percent cheaper. Geoff Sorkin, head of UFT Welfare Fund, can get up on his hind legs and declare the ten percent cheaper program will be as good or better than the one you have now. Of course, we now know Mulgrew’s predictions about Advantage were false.
But even if Sorkin’s speculations are true (which I doubt very much), in your golden years (if Mulgrew and his goons prevail in court) you’ll be stuck with an Advantage plan. One thing working teachers know is this—copays go up, and doctor compensation does not necessarily follow. Whatever package they sell retirees, and whatever they dump on in-service members is subject to change, and likely not for the better.
Sorkin does not represent us. Like every forward-thinking UFT employee, he represents Michael Mulgrew and his Unity Caucus. It’s Michael Mulgrew’s job to represent our interests, not those of Mayor Eric Adams, and not those of Aetna. Mulgrew is not doing his job. And he’s not being honest with us.
Michael Mulgrew is personally responsible for the health care crisis facing all city workers, both retired and in-service. Anyone loyal to Michael Mulgrew is not representing the interests of the United Federation of Teachers, the police, the firefighters, or indeed any city workers.
We don’t work for Aetna, and we don’t work for Michael Mulgrew. We work for the children of New York City. It behooves us to secure better conditions for ourselves, so we can pass them onto our children, and the children for whom we work.
Step one in that is dumping Aetna, Adams, Mulgrew, and all other parasites that threaten us.
How did I ever miss this article?! No one will argue that there's enough to battle about --but, above all, we need to identify and rid us of the parasites. Things are so crazy that I keep wondering if Mulgrew and MLC Heads are being enticed by some cushy Aetna, Eric Adams -- and, yes, even a Michael Bloomberg proposition? We may never know. But their conduct and blood sucking visions of healthcare must end! TY Arthur. Can't read enough of your pieces :)
Would Mr. Mulgrew answer one question: if the Medicare Advantage plan he negotiated is better than Medicare why not give retirees a choice?
The answer is that many, many retirees were willing to pay $191.00 per month to opt out of Medicare Advantage and that was before the City was enjoined from implementing its plans by a court.
The retirees don’t want Medicare Advantage they want Medicare and GHI Senior Care and it is outrageous that Mr. Mulgrew and Mr. Murphy are litigating and advocating against their own people.
I urge any UFT retiree who can to become a delegate for the Retiree Advocate slate and vote out Mr. Murphy and the Unity slate that is selling them out.