How did I ever miss this article?! No one will argue that there's enough to battle about --but, above all, we need to identify and rid us of the parasites. Things are so crazy that I keep wondering if Mulgrew and MLC Heads are being enticed by some cushy Aetna, Eric Adams -- and, yes, even a Michael Bloomberg proposition? We may never know. But their conduct and blood sucking visions of healthcare must end! TY Arthur. Can't read enough of your pieces :)
Thanks for your kind words. While I say Mulgrew owes Eric Adams, and he does, he made the original agreements with De Blasio, who was supposed to be a friend to union. In a way, that makes his sellout even worse. Regardless, Mulgrew is among the worst negotiators I've ever encountered. It's a crime what he's done to UFT, and other city workers as well.
Would Mr. Mulgrew answer one question: if the Medicare Advantage plan he negotiated is better than Medicare why not give retirees a choice?
The answer is that many, many retirees were willing to pay $191.00 per month to opt out of Medicare Advantage and that was before the City was enjoined from implementing its plans by a court.
The retirees don’t want Medicare Advantage they want Medicare and GHI Senior Care and it is outrageous that Mr. Mulgrew and Mr. Murphy are litigating and advocating against their own people.
I urge any UFT retiree who can to become a delegate for the Retiree Advocate slate and vote out Mr. Murphy and the Unity slate that is selling them out.
Unity is its own thing… promises of trips, cell phones and stipends, so you gotta follow their lead or you’ll loose those benefits. You can’t be a free thinker in Unity
Once again you get it just right! All the newspapers are reporting that based on census data more millionaires have moved in to the city and those making less then 75000 a year are moving out. Why cater to the super rich and billionaire companies instead of the members you have sworn to protect. Why not fight for retirees benefits and children right to a public education? Instead they’re trying their hardest to make the rich richer. Undermine and destroy public education for all children instead of focusing on a small group of the privileged. We all deserve, affordable housing, universal healthcare at all ages. Union leaders such as Michael Mulgrew or Richard Davis and the rest of the MLC should be embarrassed to back Mayor Adams no matter what the consequences are to everyday New Yorkers
A few years ago, in the run up to my 65th birthday, I attended an online UFT seminar entitled something like "Turning 65 and Medicare. What You Need to Know." It was a good seminar; the kind of thing that the UFT is good at when it's not residing in Mulgrew's rectum. I got all the nuts-and-bolts instructions I needed about how to register for Medicare and how to inform the NYC Office of Labor Relations about my choices (so I could receive the city's Medicare reimbursements). There was also another message that came through loud and clear: Under no circumstances should I opt for a Medicare Advantage plan! Not the one Joe Namath offers, nor the ones that OLR offers. They're all crap compared to traditional Medicare plus the city's supplemental plan (GHI Senior Care)!
Little did I know then (though I soon found out) that as I was attending the UFT's Medicare seminar Michael Mulgrew was plotting to force me into a Medicare Advantage plan. His Medicare Advantage plan: the one that reinvents privatized healthcare and breaks all the rules of economics, reason, and union values. The pivot was jaw-dropping. Parasitical indeed.
I agree, and I'd add that this is fundamentally anti-union. We exist to make things better for us and set examples for others to follow. Michael Mulgrew seems to think we exist to supplement the NYC treasury, if indeed he thinks at all.
How did I ever miss this article?! No one will argue that there's enough to battle about --but, above all, we need to identify and rid us of the parasites. Things are so crazy that I keep wondering if Mulgrew and MLC Heads are being enticed by some cushy Aetna, Eric Adams -- and, yes, even a Michael Bloomberg proposition? We may never know. But their conduct and blood sucking visions of healthcare must end! TY Arthur. Can't read enough of your pieces :)
Thanks for your kind words. While I say Mulgrew owes Eric Adams, and he does, he made the original agreements with De Blasio, who was supposed to be a friend to union. In a way, that makes his sellout even worse. Regardless, Mulgrew is among the worst negotiators I've ever encountered. It's a crime what he's done to UFT, and other city workers as well.
Good point & totally agree!
Would Mr. Mulgrew answer one question: if the Medicare Advantage plan he negotiated is better than Medicare why not give retirees a choice?
The answer is that many, many retirees were willing to pay $191.00 per month to opt out of Medicare Advantage and that was before the City was enjoined from implementing its plans by a court.
The retirees don’t want Medicare Advantage they want Medicare and GHI Senior Care and it is outrageous that Mr. Mulgrew and Mr. Murphy are litigating and advocating against their own people.
I urge any UFT retiree who can to become a delegate for the Retiree Advocate slate and vote out Mr. Murphy and the Unity slate that is selling them out.
Unity is its own thing… promises of trips, cell phones and stipends, so you gotta follow their lead or you’ll loose those benefits. You can’t be a free thinker in Unity
Once again you get it just right! All the newspapers are reporting that based on census data more millionaires have moved in to the city and those making less then 75000 a year are moving out. Why cater to the super rich and billionaire companies instead of the members you have sworn to protect. Why not fight for retirees benefits and children right to a public education? Instead they’re trying their hardest to make the rich richer. Undermine and destroy public education for all children instead of focusing on a small group of the privileged. We all deserve, affordable housing, universal healthcare at all ages. Union leaders such as Michael Mulgrew or Richard Davis and the rest of the MLC should be embarrassed to back Mayor Adams no matter what the consequences are to everyday New Yorkers
Adams is not having a great month. If he goes, it would be great to replace him with someone who's not insane.
It’s more then Adams it’s all his facilitators and the silent Majority that are allowing it all.
A few years ago, in the run up to my 65th birthday, I attended an online UFT seminar entitled something like "Turning 65 and Medicare. What You Need to Know." It was a good seminar; the kind of thing that the UFT is good at when it's not residing in Mulgrew's rectum. I got all the nuts-and-bolts instructions I needed about how to register for Medicare and how to inform the NYC Office of Labor Relations about my choices (so I could receive the city's Medicare reimbursements). There was also another message that came through loud and clear: Under no circumstances should I opt for a Medicare Advantage plan! Not the one Joe Namath offers, nor the ones that OLR offers. They're all crap compared to traditional Medicare plus the city's supplemental plan (GHI Senior Care)!
Little did I know then (though I soon found out) that as I was attending the UFT's Medicare seminar Michael Mulgrew was plotting to force me into a Medicare Advantage plan. His Medicare Advantage plan: the one that reinvents privatized healthcare and breaks all the rules of economics, reason, and union values. The pivot was jaw-dropping. Parasitical indeed.
I agree, and I'd add that this is fundamentally anti-union. We exist to make things better for us and set examples for others to follow. Michael Mulgrew seems to think we exist to supplement the NYC treasury, if indeed he thinks at all.
Great article!
Thank you!
I read all of your articles and thank you for your time in writing them. Without this info, we are sheep!
I hope not, but thank you again.