Here's another one. I spend some time in the back public area of 52 Broadway and I notice people, sometimes nervous retirees, sitting with their paperwork and waiting for some UFT rep to come down. Do they take them up to their office? No. They sit next to them in this public space counseling them. I see this process as insulting. Do UFT officials want to keep the riff raff out of their offices?

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It would certainly seem so, what with the wall they built to keep the retirees away from them.

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don't forget that the wonderful phone answering people mulgrew and uft hired to deal with us lowly uft members who need help are not union, even though they work for a union

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Yeah I have no idea why they needed to degrade that system. You'd think it was important to serve people better than faceless corporations do.

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they claimed it was to save money, while being more efficient and helpful for members.....sound at all like the arguments for their plans on retiree and active member's healthcare?

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It sounds very much like that argument, and equally credible. That is to say, not credible at all.

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Very good exposure. Mulgrew claims to oppose Trump, but what is he and Unity doing? Are they the voice of immigrant families? Are they the voice for Academy Freedom in the classrooms? How about their continuous support of Charter schools in the middle of calls for the elimination of Public Education? The rest is in your statement!

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Your voice is so valuable and I thank you. May I add what else we need? We need A Better Contract to join with ARISE to make changing leadership a reality. This is a join or die situation and what needs to be done is obvious. As a nation, we are currently suffering the consequences of voter apathy and protest votes. Please encourage the LITERAL unity of these two groups to finally send Unity packing.

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Ties to MORE is a losing proposition which is why ABC called for individual not caucuses to remain in the original ABC alliance which they left because they want to label the election with caucus brand names despite the baggage they carry. So why not ask ARISE to come back to the original ABC group which they were part of from last March through late October? But that is probably too late given the looming deadlines. So accept two slates and vote for the one with the best chance to beat Unity which is ABC.

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Is ABC and ARISE competing? Please explain are these two groups oppose to Unity?

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Yes two groups opposed to unity but not competing. Both are going after unity

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Hi Norm!!! I did ask them at 1/23/25, 7:52am. But who am I, right? Some idiot teacher with over 27 years in--who learned so much about the history of Unity from YOU. But, I know enough about their ways to understand the squabbling between groups who largely oppose them serves no one.

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