I’m worked for 25 years full time service. Mulgrew is a criminal thug, no more no less. That all came out when his sister was exposed with a sweetheart Tweed position given from Bloomturd, while she was also one of the heads of a private vendor selling crap to the DOE. This vendor did a lot of business with DOE. How much did Mulgrew make off that scam? I knew her briefly , professionally, and she was no bright light. She was very average, not too impressive at all. How did she get all of these large breaks with the DOE, other than being pimped out professionally by her brother? The corruption in that union is pitiful.
Yes, Unity has failed the retirees big time!
I’m worked for 25 years full time service. Mulgrew is a criminal thug, no more no less. That all came out when his sister was exposed with a sweetheart Tweed position given from Bloomturd, while she was also one of the heads of a private vendor selling crap to the DOE. This vendor did a lot of business with DOE. How much did Mulgrew make off that scam? I knew her briefly , professionally, and she was no bright light. She was very average, not too impressive at all. How did she get all of these large breaks with the DOE, other than being pimped out professionally by her brother? The corruption in that union is pitiful.