I think most of the City Council has noticed that the UFT (and probably DC37) phone banks are not what they used to be. Sure, they'd like the cash - but maybe they will stand up to the threat - especially since they know how effectively retirees have been mobilizing.
Every city council person probably hears from their staff every day - 150 constituent calls today, 137 of them were retirees who don't want Aetna...
I'm personally amazed that UFT phone banks have gotten so terrible, after all the times I listened to Mulgrew speak of the wonderful efficiency they were after. Clearly they think of member contact like they think of our health care--Let's do it on the cheap.
Arthur, FIRST thing to do after replacing Mulgrew is to change UFT charter to no longer allow delegate system. . . . and to change the charter of the MLC to no longer allow weighted voting. No more loyalty oaths and no more crony-ized patronage jobs paid for by active and retirees bubble priced dues. No more COPE!
I think COPE could be a good tool if we used it to support causes that were worthwhile, as opposed to some of the odious choices Unity's made. What would you replace the delegate system with?
Maybe the writer is speaking to the corrupt hand picked delegate system that controls NYSUT and thereby all of NYS voting for the executives at NYSUT. UFT outsize numbers give Mulgrew power when the delegates vote as told. That outsize power controls the MLC.
Me neither, and I was paying a lot of attention. Practically nobody knew about it.
Reading over your article I realized it is $600 million a year in savings, so that's $3.1 billion over the course of this contract -- roughly half of the entire cost of the contract!
No, it's more, because it's 600 million FOREVER. Who the hell thinks making a giveback forever is a good trade for a three year contract that hovers around cost of living? Only the brilliant negotiators of our unelected MLC, answerable to no one.
Joe Wohl of the UFT, now retired, lied and denied future plans when asked point blank about a future Medicare Advantage plan in October 2018. He offered to speak again if there were additional questions.
I have been pointed to it, and I was certainly not aware of it at the time. I sorely regret having supported that contract. It leads me to the most important argument against THIS agreement. They fooled us once. Shame on them. If we give them a second opportunity, it's on us.
I think most of the City Council has noticed that the UFT (and probably DC37) phone banks are not what they used to be. Sure, they'd like the cash - but maybe they will stand up to the threat - especially since they know how effectively retirees have been mobilizing.
Every city council person probably hears from their staff every day - 150 constituent calls today, 137 of them were retirees who don't want Aetna...
I wonder what the real numbers are.
I'm personally amazed that UFT phone banks have gotten so terrible, after all the times I listened to Mulgrew speak of the wonderful efficiency they were after. Clearly they think of member contact like they think of our health care--Let's do it on the cheap.
Arthur, FIRST thing to do after replacing Mulgrew is to change UFT charter to no longer allow delegate system. . . . and to change the charter of the MLC to no longer allow weighted voting. No more loyalty oaths and no more crony-ized patronage jobs paid for by active and retirees bubble priced dues. No more COPE!
I think COPE could be a good tool if we used it to support causes that were worthwhile, as opposed to some of the odious choices Unity's made. What would you replace the delegate system with?
Maybe the writer is speaking to the corrupt hand picked delegate system that controls NYSUT and thereby all of NYS voting for the executives at NYSUT. UFT outsize numbers give Mulgrew power when the delegates vote as told. That outsize power controls the MLC.
Me neither, and I was paying a lot of attention. Practically nobody knew about it.
Reading over your article I realized it is $600 million a year in savings, so that's $3.1 billion over the course of this contract -- roughly half of the entire cost of the contract!
No, it's more, because it's 600 million FOREVER. Who the hell thinks making a giveback forever is a good trade for a three year contract that hovers around cost of living? Only the brilliant negotiators of our unelected MLC, answerable to no one.
Have you seen this Arthur? Apparently James Eterno had posted the Appendix B before the 2018 vote. I myself was certainly not aware of it at the time: https://iceuftblog.blogspot.com/2018/10/a-reader-obtained-appendix-b-so-we-can.html
Joe Wohl of the UFT, now retired, lied and denied future plans when asked point blank about a future Medicare Advantage plan in October 2018. He offered to speak again if there were additional questions.
I have been pointed to it, and I was certainly not aware of it at the time. I sorely regret having supported that contract. It leads me to the most important argument against THIS agreement. They fooled us once. Shame on them. If we give them a second opportunity, it's on us.