Bravo, as usual on your most informative writings to keep retirees informed! Many thanks. I am retired 13 yrs as of December 1st and I still substitute teach, working with autistic children. I share all of this information with the younger staff, encouraging them to 'get involved' and by all means be active and vote!
Thanks for your kind comment! And thanks for sharing my work. I too am still working, albeit only three days a week. I do like the work, so I'm glad to do it,
Yes! I work about 5 days per month. Some of us regard teaching as a career, not a job! I believe we can be very instrumental tools in guiding this new, young generation. I practice 'discussing' not preaching so as not to lose their attention and input.
So true! However, it takes a 'village' of dinosaurs to advance this population and bring them factual information regarding their profession and how { until recently) advances were made for us!
Outstanding column.
No 1. If passed Bill 1096 would be law and the MLC’s “very smart lawyers” know it would be upheld by the courts.
No 2 If it is so bad to put health care into law and not subject to collective bargaining why is it good to have pension plans under the law?
The truth, is that the MLC (which is not a legal bargaining unit) promised the City 600 million in health care savings per year and the
savings would have come at the expense of retiree health care.
Thanks for your kind words, and I could not agree more.
Bravo, as usual on your most informative writings to keep retirees informed! Many thanks. I am retired 13 yrs as of December 1st and I still substitute teach, working with autistic children. I share all of this information with the younger staff, encouraging them to 'get involved' and by all means be active and vote!
Thanks for your kind comment! And thanks for sharing my work. I too am still working, albeit only three days a week. I do like the work, so I'm glad to do it,
Yes! I work about 5 days per month. Some of us regard teaching as a career, not a job! I believe we can be very instrumental tools in guiding this new, young generation. I practice 'discussing' not preaching so as not to lose their attention and input.
I agree. Preaching is not a good way to persuade. I know well from a full year of RTC meetings in which we were never permitted to decide on anything,
So true! However, it takes a 'village' of dinosaurs to advance this population and bring them factual information regarding their profession and how { until recently) advances were made for us!