They have shown that they will just run a revote if needed when they don’t like the outcome. They can even whip up an email campaign “like nothing they have seen before” to justify it. Then they can have a performative press conference to pretend to fight the self-created issues (the inability of the DOE to pay for a 9th session) that we…
They have shown that they will just run a revote if needed when they don’t like the outcome. They can even whip up an email campaign “like nothing they have seen before” to justify it. Then they can have a performative press conference to pretend to fight the self-created issues (the inability of the DOE to pay for a 9th session) that we warned about and predicted during the performative contract negotiation process, because this was already a well-worn road trying to get paid for SEED work, tuition reimbursement and getting back on payroll after parental leave.
They have shown that they will just run a revote if needed when they don’t like the outcome. They can even whip up an email campaign “like nothing they have seen before” to justify it. Then they can have a performative press conference to pretend to fight the self-created issues (the inability of the DOE to pay for a 9th session) that we warned about and predicted during the performative contract negotiation process, because this was already a well-worn road trying to get paid for SEED work, tuition reimbursement and getting back on payroll after parental leave.
When they want something, it's a dire emergency, and when they don't, it can sit and rot, for years, decades, forever. Go figure.