Oct 12Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Even with you and Bennett speaking truth to power, Mulgrew still lies through his teeth. He is firstly a politician through and through. I remember as a boy union leaders willing to go to jail so their members would have justice and Decent pay.

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It's important for people to know the difference between what they say and what they do. I honestly have no idea how they muster the audacity to make such outrageous claims.

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Oct 12Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Just ask Trump

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Unity is straight out of Animal Farm. They work against our interests, keep the apples for themselves, and label us fools for not understanding their work.

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Mulgrew always speaks with forked tongue.

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To say the least.

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Mulgrew claimed a number of times that MedAdv is just Medicare Part C - just a different name but hiding the fact it is run in a vastly different manner than Medicare. Word salad obfuscation. Make him actually face the truth about how MedAdv makes money -- early on he celebrated the "free" $600 million they would get out of Medicare to cover the costs plus higher costs of running MedAdv programs -- a 12-15% higher premium cost that undermines Medicare itself.

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Absolutely. Whatever you call it, it's inferior to what we now have. And the notion that they money is "free" is just another outrageous falsehood.

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Oct 12Liked by Arthur Goldstein

I agree with you guys about the obfuscation, but it is not word salad. Medicare Advantage is indeed Part C (though there’s no “just” about it). Express Scripts (our Pharmacy Benefit Manager) is also ripping us off big time, we should be just as irate at that industry as well, not just the Advantage plans. PBMs are a disgrace with the way they control prices, drugs, and the way retail pharmacies do business.

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I think what Norm was trying to say was that Mulgrew presented it as part C rather than MA because that term isn't used in Joe Namath commercials and may not be perceived as the same.. I realize it's the same thing. And I'm as upset as you are about drug prices, and the preposterous way Medicare holds them up. You can get those discount drug cards, like GoodRX, and you can't use them in combination with Medicare plans. We pay more, and the government pays more. It's absurd and obscene.

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Not surprised at all that DC37 Local 384 voted yes. As my former local, of which I was a short term 1 year shop steward (my open choice by the way), I can attest to the fact that rank and file are generally terrorized into not asking questions for fear of retribution or ostracizing, Majority of members who showed at meetings were female and most came for the socializing, leaving the important issues to the so-called leaders. As a shop steward I had to diplomatically fight for change, and convince my site members why change was needed. Frustration of my co-steward led me to walk away after affectively getting a few important changes made. I was willing to remain active, but my family convinced me to drop the privilege, so I did. My point being that I know every single word you write rings out truth. Whatever Mulgrew and Garrido’s ulterior motives are for trying to sell retirees down the river is beyond my comprehension. I only know that from the moment, three years ago, when I heard Retirees were being put forth as the BETA group for Medicare Advantage plans, my rebellion began, finding Marianne’s group gave me a home where I could help spread the word of this abuse. No votes no input no truth only harming the Retirees is what this major Union did and is still trying to do! More and more and more I see the Unions as being just a giant cog trying to control rank and file with threats, false promises, and actual elderly abuse. I wish I had a magic wand to wake people up and open their eyes to see how used we all are by people who are given dues to help them protect our rights as City Service people, and instead, throw us into the gutters after using us as BETA Guinea pigs! Who can stop them before we never get to remain under protections we paid for with hard work, loyalty and honest faith in these leaders? This bulldozer of a corrupt Mayor who is still appealing our won nuclear case, is the worst of them all, so why are our own union leaders still protecting him instead of us? What are their ulterior motives?

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Who can stop them? WE can, with our votes. I'd argue that our union leaders are the worst of them all. In fairness, the mayor's job is to negotiate the best deal for the city. Our union reps are supposed to fight for US, and that's why they need replacement.

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Sorry, I can’t agree that this Mayor, nor his predecessor wanting what’s best for the City. They saw a way to line their pockets and they found a way around to do just that. This one especially, gave us double talk when he retracted his campaign trail words about retirees, and instead went straight down the path that would lead him to the pots of green to turn his pockets gold.,

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Now that you bring it up--you're right this isn't best for the city. It is cheaper for the city, though. And I don't like this mayor any more than you do.

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The UFT sent a letter to the court which its “very smart lawyers” knew would be procedurally rejected. What did the letter say, does anyone know?

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It basically says UFT no longer supports the transfer to MA. I happen to know Marianne P. sent them a letter telling them what they could do if they wanted it accepted. Thus far, crickets. That said, should they figure out what they need to do, they further need to get legislation passed to protect our health care. They are responsible for this, and they need to FIX it, not just talk about it.

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Thank you Arthur for the information. I am sure that Marianne’s very smart lawyers who are actually very smart and have successfully sued the City can help Mulgrew’s very smart lawyers file the amicus brief.

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No doubt. But don't hold your breath.

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Oct 12Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Thank you for speaking the truth where Mulgrew insists on lying to his members. Hopefully, we will prevail in court in lawsuits paid for by us retirees who are aware of MA and its proponents.

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Thank you Rosalie. Hopefully, we will. And hopefully, Unity will realize we don't believe their lies, and take action to pass our bills in state and city legislatures.

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