Jun 2Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Excellent Arthur. I'm inspired and think a lot about your commentaries. Yep, Unity loyalists won't engage in debates, because as you've shown, their arguments can't hold water -so they resort to these vicious tactics. If there's anything I've learned throughout these three alarming years is that the Unity Caucus prefers to pay homage to a dishonest, short-sided, greedy Boss Mulgrew, in order to feather the nests he has mollified them with.

I resent how the Mulgrew circle attacked Midga, how Mulgrew outrageously threatened you with legal action (using member dues, no less!), the disrespect the Unity Circle has shown to Bennett Fischer and so many of us, and how they've targeted our unrelenting hero Marianne Pizzitola.

Being Unity's sacrificial lamb is not an option for me. I've proudly voted Retiree Advocate and I pray many others do likewise --ASAP--!!

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Thank you Laura. Yes I think people know that only one side wants to protect our rights. Unity made an egregious error picking on us, and I'll probably write that up tomorrow.

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ESL students work hard to earn high scores on the English Regents. Unity isn't nearly as hard working! I had students get 78-93 percent on that test.

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I've helped a lot of kids pass that as well. I kind of hate test prep, and I don't like that test in particular. It's highly unsuitable for newcomers, just as leadership is highly unsuitable for Unity.

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