Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Let's blow the whistle on our corporate vrappla union leadership Arthur!

I saw Mulgrew on NY 1, doing what he does best,Taking Credit that is NOT due have m,,

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I saw him on some interview on Instagram and I didn't find him credible either.

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Randi Weingarten is very concerned about the preservation of democracy. What about democracy in the AFT’s largest local?

Shouldn’t she be made aware of this situation

so she can address it?

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Well, I can detect sarcasm. Randi Weingarten, though, is not who needs to be made aware. I'd venture, no matter how you feel about her, she knows more than just about anyone about everything. Mulgrew did not make yesterday's announcement in a vacuum.

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Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

I few years ago I was in a major lawsuit. We won because of our forensic audit. I think it is time, quite actualy way past time, to have a forensic Audit of Unity as an organization and Mulgrew personally. I know it i expensive but please consider it.

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Randi Weingarten should make sure that a local is complying with democratic norms and not blocking transparency and access to membership. The buck stops with her.

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Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

It is absolutely possible to make a formal complaint to the AFT. What the UFT is doing illegal. It violates provisions of federal labor law. The UFT is violating our local's and the AFT's constitution by denying our elected leadership access to everything the former leadership had to carry out its responsibilities. I suggest the officers give them notice: Ten days to cure and then the complaint will be filed.

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I like that idea. I think we have to wait at least until July, when we take office.

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A formal complaint would establish a record

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Yes. Let them know on the day the new leadership takes office, they/we expect to have complete access to everything the former leadership had to carry out their responsibilities. We are prepared to file the complaint with the AFT the day after we legally assume leadership. And btw we should be in touch with Association for Union Democracy to know our rights.

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Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Here's the AUD website: https://uniondemocracy.org/

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The thing is this--on reflection, I don't trust AFT to do right by us. I am more inclined to humiliate them.

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The UFT is the most powerful faction in NYSUT and NYSUT is the most powerful faction in the AFT. I see a wag the dog thing happening here.

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But Randi Weingarten has the biggest platform and her input would be very meaningful.

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Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

Weingarten has more than input. She controls everything that occurs in the UFT, NYSUT, and the AFT. She knows exactly what Mulgrew is doing now and is allowing it.

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Not entirely sure about that. However, it's plausible. I ran for Executive VP of NYSUT maybe ten years ago. I had the distinct sense that Randi was somehow hidden behind every bush, looking at and placing her fingers on absolutely everything that occurred.

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I know you keep saying that. I also know it's highly unlikely she'd ever publicly cross Mulgrew, no matter how much you want her to. It's far more likely she pushed Mulgrew into doing what he did yesterday.

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Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

I think we actually agree, Arturo. Your hunch was accurate. That's how Weingarten operates. Control need not be exercised in public view. And we can be sure Unity hacks are reading this exchange right now. Let's educate them to what democracy looks like. Open debate!

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They don't do well in open debate. Their thing is very limited time to speak, they pick all the speakers, and allow maybe one voice of dissent. Maybe none. But I don't care. I don't depend on them to get my voice out.

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It is not about me what I want, it is about her constituency, her members, and the foundational principles of unionism.

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I'm not really disagreeing with your premise. I'm just telling you what I think is likely.

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Yes, it bothered me greatly that he always takes credit for everything. I Iaughed when he said we were made frightened. Frightened people do not stand up to power and beat them. If you try to ignore us, we will be loud. We will never be intimidated.

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Absolutely. It was he who expected us to break, to cower in fear. We fought back and we will continue to do so. He's never seen anything like us before.

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Jun 24Liked by Arthur Goldstein

I guess they think we should all be sitting quietly in our rocking chairs. They forget we are still the baby boom generation that protested in our youth. My body may be 70 but my mind is still about 25.

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I have really been feeling that this year. The Facebook page and newsletter are full of retirees like to travel, and isn't it a miracle that this one is able to do this or that. There's no actual news. And they try to perpetuate that fantasy world in the RTC meetings. Murphy stands up and says some people like MA. Of course they do, unless they get sick. It's been a year of them trying to create a fantasy world in these meetings because they think we're too dim to see through them.

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