Wonderfully put. Thanks

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Thank you Kathy.

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Arthur, as always I appreciate your insightful and courageous column. I forwarded it to former colleagues who are still in-service with the following preface:

Dear in-service, former colleagues:

Retired teacher and union activist Arthur Goldstein has a column that speaks to truth about all the ways in which Michael Mulgrew and his Unity patronage machine do not serve the best interests of our Union. If you can, read or subscribe to his column. I recently helped to take the leadership of the Retired Teachers’ Chapter away from Unity to Retiree Advocate. I hope that next year, in the general election, we can get the leadership of the Union away from Michael Mulgrew. Please become informed, and work toward putting new leadership in place that will work for you and not against you.

Have a good school year!

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Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for spreading the message. This is exactly what we need to be doing.

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