I know I am repetitive but if you are a retired UFT member and want to keep your Medicare and GHI Senior Care, please become a delegate for Retiree Advocate. I can provide the link. My e-mail address is: Kfirestone500@aol.com.

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If you have a good message, it bears repeating.

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I missed this RTC meeting --but, unlike the unbearable upset I've normally felt when attending one, this account left me roaring - all while Authur vividly captured the cruel circus Tom and Mikey engage in as they pretend to care. Those who choose to listen can't deny that the Unity caucus is a self-serving joke. For the sake of our our earned health benefits, our Medicare safety net, the labor movement, and our very lives, UFT's Unity must go!

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Well said, Laura. They are terrible. They don't even know what union is.

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