Great journalism again Arthur. In the 4 years we are fighting this, not once, NOT ONE person or union leadership came back to us stating ANYTHING we said was wrong. And that is because we are not. But their lame, ridiculous statements & fake memes, images attack ME, NOT THE ISSUE. And in the words of Vinny Gaglione, "don't ask her any questions, she knows more than we do!" says it all. March on warriors - these people are union leadership are on the wrong side of history.
Thanks Marianne. I'd add that their attacks on you are baseless. The notion that you know less than I do, or that my opinion is more valid than yours, simply because I happen to be a UFT member and you don't, is absurd.
I like this column very much. It has both passion and ease. Thank you for this well-considered and well-written work. It is the quiet strength amidst the whirlwind of lies Unity and its servants indulge in. I believe you and Marianne Pizzitola are being attacked for the same reason, the fear and anger that can be aimed at anyone who courageously takes an unyielding stand against injustice.
I like your column. I tend to agree with everything that you say. What I do not understand is how ABC plans to oust Unity with Arise in the mix. (Also, to be fair, I have the exact same question regarding Arise’s plans.) Can you explain how two competing and similar slates can take down the goliath?
I have not much gone after Arise and their components on this page, as I see Unity as our adversary. I have extensive experience with MORE, having been purged from it. I've also written how Retiree Advocate, which I thought I belonged to, saw fit to allow only eleven of its 300 candidates to vote on whom it aligned with in this election.
We are not similar. It's vital to bring real democracy to our union, and we're the only ones doing that. We have the best presidential candidate, bar none. We are not tied to any convoluted caucus purposes. We are the only ticket that can actually defeat Unity.
And despite what you may hear, against my advice, ABC was willing to run with the caucuses. MORE demanded a larger than equal split. ABC rejected that, and I'm glad they did. At some point I may have to place this on the front page, but we're running against Unity, and for member voice above any other loyalty or ideology. No one else stands for that.
Great journalism again Arthur. In the 4 years we are fighting this, not once, NOT ONE person or union leadership came back to us stating ANYTHING we said was wrong. And that is because we are not. But their lame, ridiculous statements & fake memes, images attack ME, NOT THE ISSUE. And in the words of Vinny Gaglione, "don't ask her any questions, she knows more than we do!" says it all. March on warriors - these people are union leadership are on the wrong side of history.
Thanks Marianne. I'd add that their attacks on you are baseless. The notion that you know less than I do, or that my opinion is more valid than yours, simply because I happen to be a UFT member and you don't, is absurd.
I like this column very much. It has both passion and ease. Thank you for this well-considered and well-written work. It is the quiet strength amidst the whirlwind of lies Unity and its servants indulge in. I believe you and Marianne Pizzitola are being attacked for the same reason, the fear and anger that can be aimed at anyone who courageously takes an unyielding stand against injustice.
Thanks so much for that kind comment. I really appreciate it, and I'm certain Marianne does as well!
I like your column. I tend to agree with everything that you say. What I do not understand is how ABC plans to oust Unity with Arise in the mix. (Also, to be fair, I have the exact same question regarding Arise’s plans.) Can you explain how two competing and similar slates can take down the goliath?
I have not much gone after Arise and their components on this page, as I see Unity as our adversary. I have extensive experience with MORE, having been purged from it. I've also written how Retiree Advocate, which I thought I belonged to, saw fit to allow only eleven of its 300 candidates to vote on whom it aligned with in this election.
We are not similar. It's vital to bring real democracy to our union, and we're the only ones doing that. We have the best presidential candidate, bar none. We are not tied to any convoluted caucus purposes. We are the only ticket that can actually defeat Unity.
And despite what you may hear, against my advice, ABC was willing to run with the caucuses. MORE demanded a larger than equal split. ABC rejected that, and I'm glad they did. At some point I may have to place this on the front page, but we're running against Unity, and for member voice above any other loyalty or ideology. No one else stands for that.