Why do they keep fighting instead of getting more money out into the fund. As you know the city has has a surplus for many consecutive years already. The fiscal cliff has never happened. The state has had a surplus for many years now also so I do not understand why not lump more money into the stabilization funds of all unions and give union members the raises they deserve to stay at their jobs as long as possible. Why fight those that have a different point of view than you? Why stop fighting and instead of all the money being spent on lawyers listen to members and retirees for the good of the city and state. It’s ok to be wrong and make mistakes is what is important in education and teaching to build up students and teach them to get back up even when things go wrong.

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When I screw up, I usually say, "I'm sorry, I screwed up." The Unity Caucus does not believe in such things. Also, they've negotiated an awful deal to give the city back hundreds of millions forever. They thing members should pay, because they're terrified of anything touching their patronage mill, which has kept them in power since the inception of the union. Bottom line--we are far from their prime concern.

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Arthur, I cannot add anything more but to say that each month we send money to NYC Retirees. I think if you lose 12 times in court that should tell you something.

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I've sent money multiple times, but not on a schedule. One thing I've l learned is that MLC and the city can't be bothered looking at regulations before they act. They've been nailed multiple times for that. Another is that Mulgrew has no hesitance in pitting one faction of the union against another. He said if we didn't succeed in changing the regulation that protects our health care there would be a premium for in-service employees. That was disgraceful. Making health care into a zero-sum game is precisely why we haven't got universal health care in the USA.

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The Retiree Advocate slate needs candidates of delegate who will advocate for retirees!

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